Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Things That Are Unfortunate But True-Part 2

At some point we are going to move beyond this list...but there are things that need to be put out there.....

4. I wanted nothing to do with Direct TV......I never have. But I only learned after I signed a lease to my apartment here in the pit of hell that cable companies will not serve my building because the owners signed a contract with Direct TV....leaving me at the whim of this damn satellite cable company. Digitial cable is the way to go, and the momet that I have the opportunity I shall return to that, but that is not the point of this portion of the programming. I discovered that DTV offers both West Coast Feeds and East Coast Feeds of the local networks, but they will only let you order one. For no apparent reason. They will just only let you order one. That's a bunch of bs if I ever heard it. Now why does this bother me so? I watch a lot of television...this much is true. But why all of a sudden does it distress me so that I can't have feeds of local broadcast channes from both coasts.....

5. First of all it was one of the only reasons I came to accept that I was going to have to use Direct TV. Luckily, with Direct TV Tivo I am able to record two things at once. Breathe a sigh of relief because that is not the case with regular TIVO and it is why I had to switch from TIVO to DVR from Time Warner Cable while living in NYC. When the OC is up against Survivor there isn't a way to can I choose between two of my favorite shows...probably my two favorite shows!! Lucky with DVR I didn't have to choose, and luckily DTV offered TIVO that could record two shows at would think that that would be enough. BUT NO..........THE DAMN NETWORKS! Survivor and OC remained at their Thursday night at 8 time slots...fine...wonderful. But the morons over at the WB and ABC decided to put Smallville and Alias respectively on at Thursday at 8. Now I'm forced to choose, because these are all shows that I watch. I'm sorry to tell you this WB and ABC...but I have to stick with the OC and Survivor(especially now that I'm hearing that Stephanie and Bobbi Jon are going to be back-YAY!-still only a rumor but the excitement grows!) I love Smallville and Alias....I really do. But they have to take a backseat as much as I hate to do it. I will of course watch the 5th season of both these shows once they hit DVD, but for now I must bid them adieu. Jenn G....Tom W......Michael V....Kristin all your characters together...can't wait to see what this season has in store for your September. Damn the networks!

I would love to continue this, but for now I must bid adieu...I must go to sleep because I've got a 6am wake up call for Barry's Boot Camp. Don't worry you'll be hearing about that one later!


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