Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Get Over It!

The box office in which I work was closed on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of December. A perfectly reasonable holiday break. Even though no one was in the office and there was no show going on the box office was open for our patrons starting on the 26th.

I don't mind being busy upon our return but what brought out my ire was the attitude that some of these people had. They were angry and appalled that we had been closed the previous day...the 25th...Christmas Day. I understand that not everyone celebrates Christmas but a great many people in the world do and unfortunately the entire world shuts down on Christmas Day. If the holiday means nothing to you then it is just any other day, but that doesn't mean that others should have to work.

It is RUDE to call and yell at us because we were given some time off for the holiday. What if someone yelled at them when they went on vacation or took a day away from their responsibilites to recharge and relax. Something tells me that they wouldn't like it very much.

This is why I don't ask for phone numbers......

I tend to avoid gay bars. I don't have anything against them but it's really not my scene. Every so often I find myself at one and remember all the reasons I don't go to them in the first place.

I recently went to a gay bar without even realizing that I was going to a gay bar. I had never heard of the place that we were going. Even when walking into the bar and spying two men who struck me as gay I didn't put the pieces together. Walking into a sea of muscle bound men in tight t-shirts that were not seasonal in the slightest brought everything into perspective however.

When we went outside to smoke we were making all sorts of friends. One was Joe a slightly balding not that cute but very sweet accountant from South Carolina. He was very interested in talking to me, but all I could think about when talking to him was the silver lipstick on half of his upper lip. His friends(Jacqu and Angela) were lovely and told us to come and say hi when we went back inside the bar.

We didn't say hello to them but when I went back outside to smoke I ran into to them again. Jaqu, a cute aspiring South African film director and fan of One Tree Hill, and I start to chat. Soon Joe decided to join the conversation to tell me how cute I am and to apologize for being southern. I don't know where the apology came from or for what reason so I just laughed a little bit. He gave me his card in case I "ever need an accountant". I politely took it. He offers to buy me a drink, I say no thank you. He offers to buy me a drink again, I say no thank you again. He offers to buy me a drink a third time followed by my third and slightly more annoyed no thank you. I could have just taken the drink, but then I would have felt obligated to continue conversing with this man. I don't want to be mean but he was a little too in my face for someone that I wasn't interested in.

Next Joe tells Angela I'm straight and that is why I'm not interested in him. Standing less then a foot away from me he thinks that he is whispering this to his friend Angela. He was actually shouting. I have given this man no reason to believe that I have any interest in him and he still proceeds to put his hands on my butt and kiss me on the cheek and kiss me on the cheek again and try to kiss me on the mouth. If he really thought that I was straight then I'm not sure what was going through his head. If he was calling me straight as a coy way of flirting with me it didn't work. I had to draw the line at physical contact. Not only was I not attracted to him but that little bit of silver lipstick was the only thing that I could focus on.

I did attempt to continue to talk to Jacqu while Joe was molesting me but the conversation didn't really start to go anywhere until Joe got the hint that he wasn't getting anywhere with me.

Cue a very rude European man. I say European because when he first came over to us he said that he was from France. Later in the evening he had no idea what we were talking about when we mentioned him being from France because apparently he was from Belgium. He obviously wanted to interrupt our conversation but rather then say excuse me he talked very loudly at us rather then to us. Realizing that neither one of us was going to acknowledge him he turned to Angela and says "Who would you rather have: that(yes, I'm the that he was referring to) or me(the Belgian/French guy)." Is he for real?

Throughout all of this Jacqu and continued to chat. Or at least we tried to. I decided to be bold and ask for his phone number. He gives it to me. Cue the Belgian/French guy to harass Jacqu some more. Jaqcu chose that moment to starts talking about his BOYFRIEND!

Mortified I slink away and delete the number in the cab.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

All It Takes Is A Good Line

Last night I saw the movie "The Holiday". It was fantastic. I had a smile that I couldn't get rid of for the entire length of the movie. I'm counting the days till this movie comes out on DVD. That's how much I loved it.

Jude Law was absolutely adorable in the film, but the man knew how to throw out a good line. I imagine that this is a characteristic that Jude shares with his character Graham.

My favorite line of his(mind you this is the paraphrased version of the line because for the life of me I can't remember the exact wording, but I loved the sentiment): "We're going to go and get lunch and get to know each other because I can't think of any more reasons not to."It was said with a cock of the head and a wry smile. I'm the reason that these romantic comedies are such successes because I'm the type of moviegoer who falls for that sort of thing hook, line, and sinker.

This is a line. There is no question about it. It may be sincere, but it is a line. He was trying to reel Cameron Diaz in and it worked. They went to lunch. Being a romantic comedy you can imagine how things end up, but this got me to thinking about my own life. If a cute boy were to say something like that to me I would walk right into it. I have fallen for worse. If a boy says something cute to me and smiles he's basically won the battle. More often then not it turns more comedic tragedy then romantic comedy but it still funny and somewhat charming. Not because it ends in a fairytale romance, but because it affords me with plenty of stories to someday be used in a book that chronicles my adventures in dating long after I've happily settled down with whatever gorgeous man sweeps me off my feet. That's what all these lines are leading to. Or at least that is what I like to tell myself. :)

I'm an intelligent man, but flash a cute smile, say something cute and my common sense goes out the window. Someone needs to shut that window so I stop losing my sense, but if that were to happen I would have nothing to write in my one day to be published dating chronicles. I guess that means I'm just going to have to keep falling for those lines.

Paging Jude Law......

Privacy Please!

I'm of the school of thought that there is no reason for the urinal. It's a useless invention. Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I want to use the bathroom in front of the masses. I realize that there are many men who can go to the bathroom no matter where they are whether it be in a urinal or on the street. I'm not one of these individuals. I like to be in a stall. I like my privacy. I'll admit it....I'm pee shy.

A few nights ago I was at a friends reading and I went to use the one person bathroom. I thought that I locked the door, but in the middle of using the restroom the door opens and an old man walks in. The lock clearly was not working. Most people would say excuse me and step outside and wait. It was obviously a one person bathroom. Not this gentlemen. He was older and must have thought because I was a man I didn't mind having him stand there while I finished using the bathroom. That was a false assumption. Having him stand there watch me use the bathroom flustered me. I had to wash my hands quickly and get out of there because the man was not only standing there watching me but he was giving me definite signs that he was getting impatient with waiting. I'm sorry sir, but you are the one who barged in on me. You don't need to be getting angry with me.

I just needed to get that out there!