Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Big Brother: All Stars-Top 20

Here it is. My breakdown of the Top 20. I'm going to let you get right into it rather then have you read while I wax poetically on the merits of choices made by the producers. My feelings become quite clear.

For the next week, the viewers get to vote for who they want in the house. The viewers decide three men and three women, and the producers pick three men and three women.

There are certain people on this list that I absolutely under no circumstance want to see voted into the house.

1. George(Season 1)- I enjoyed the first season when I was watching it, but I now realize how truly wretched it was. He just doesn't have what it takes to be on All Stars. He didn't even have to play the game when he was on Big Brother. It was a whole different experience.

2. Bunky(Season 2)- Enough with the crying. At the end of his interview he asked if we wanted to see a nice guy win the show. The answer to that question is yes, but I don't want to see someone who is going to let himself be walked all over and used as a puppet while having no other strategy. He was sniveling and annoying, and I don't want to spend another summer with him.

3. Mike "Boogie"(Season 2)- First of all that is a stupid name, and when I watched Big Brother 2 five years ago I thought it was a stupid name and to go with his stupid name is a wretched personality. He actually thinks that he is a better player then the winner of his season Dude you were the 4th evicted. You aren't all that great. Will is a better player, and far more attractive so please stop telling us how good looking you are. Uf anything you have gotten worse looking since your time on Big Brother! I will gag, and hope, and pray that he is the first person evicted from the show if the viewers or the producers are stupid enough to put him on it. Wasn't there someone else from BB2 that wanted to do All Stars. Shannon, Nicole, even Kent would have been better then this moron.

4. Dana(Season 4)- In my opinion Big Brother 4 is tied with Big Brother 1 as the worst season of the series. The only reason that Big Brother 4 is not the worst is because it does involve the game play, and Big Brother 1 foolishly allowed the viewers to vote out all the interesting players. I don't know who did the casting for Big Brother 4, but for the most part they selected uninteresting, stupid, and ugly contestants(Erika is an exception to all three characteristics). One of the worst of the bunch was Dana. Not only did she make the moronic move of betraying the original eight to align with the exes, but she was a troll of a woman who ran around the house chasing Justin into her bed. I hate her voice and I hate her face. I don't want to watch her all summer.

5. Cowboy(Season 5)- I realize that there are people out there who loved him while he was on the show. I was not one of them. He seems like a good natured individual so I'm not going to say anything bad about him other then the fact that he is boring. He has no real skill as a strategic player, and he puts me to sleep. Just let him enjoy being in the Top 20 and leave it at that.

6. Ivette(Season 6)- Too little, too late. I don't care if she dropped "the nerd herd". She is obnoxious. She seems to think that she is better then everyone, and she won't shutup. She thinks that she is so damn funny, but in reality her voice and the words that come out of her mouth are like nails on a chalkboard. I was forced to watch her all the way till the end of BB6 last summer. I was forced to watch her evict Janelle, the person who should have won BB6. Don't force me to watch her for yet another summer.

These two houseguests are people I have no need to see in the house, but I could manage to watch them for the summer if it was neccesary.

1. Alison(Season 4)- Everyone hates her. She would be a good person to put in the house for no other reason then to make her a target, but there are too many people that I want to see in the house to waste a spot on someone that I want to see out in the first week.

2. Diane(Season 5)- Frankly, I don't care about Diane either way. She did some things during her season, such as aligning herself with Drew and Cowboy, that I didn't really like, but nothing about her really inspired deep and abiding hatred. If this group were a little bit different I might have picked her to go into the house, but she is just too blah.

Drum roll please.......

My Top 6(Yes, I know there is going to be a top 12, but these are the six people that I want to actually help get into the house. These are the people that I want to be the final six contestants in the house. So follow the link and vote for them even if you don't watch the show!)

1. Janelle(Season 6)- There is just something about this girl that I love. She certainly has the capacity to be mean, but somehow that was overshadowed by the "Friendship". No one really seemed to think that she was smart, and she turned out to be the most strategic player in her season and one of the most strategic players of the entire series. Both phyiscally and mentally. I would love to see her take this to the end. She should have won Big Brother 6, so let's hope she can bring back that fire during all stars. Plus, I loved me some Kaysar/Janelle alliance action so I'm hoping that we're going to have a repeat of that. But that could be dangerous for my girl because if they are both brought into the house everyone is going to assume that they are aligned which could put a huge target on their backs.


2. Kaysar(Season 6)- Kaysar, if it comes down to you and another player, who is looking for anyway to get you out of the house, in an HOH competition do not let them win based on the word that they won't nominate you. They will. I don't care if he or she swears on their life. I know you are a better player then that. That was perhaps one of the worst moves in BB history, but I don't think that it should reflect on Kaysar as a player. He is smart, and knows how to read people. Plus he is damn hot and I want to get to look at him for a longer period of time over the course of this summer.


3. Marcellas(Season 3)- The man is not the best player, but he is damn funny. I spent the summer of Big Brother 3 laughing at the words that were coming out of his mouth. I'm not sure if some of the more recent houseguests are going to want to have Marcellas around after his stint hosting House Calls which gives him quite the insight into the way that houseguests are playing the game, but if they are smart they will want him around if for no other reason then how entertaining it would be to watch Marcellas and Janelle together.


4. Danielle(Season 3)- There is no doubt that Danielle is a fantastic player. As much as I love my girl Janelle there is a part of me that wouldn't be mad at all if Danielle walked into this game and took the whole thing. I think that Danielle became somewhat villified after her season, but she was honest in those diary room sessions, and what did this honesty bring to me? Laughter. She made no qualms about what she was saying, and more often then not she threw humor into her attacks on the other players. This isn't the real world. We need some snarky comments to keep things interesting.


5. Lisa(Season 3)- Lisa herself admitted that she rode coattails to the end and the win, but what is wrong with that? Isn't that a strategy within itself? Yes. Can she do it again? No. She needs to show that she has some game play in her. Frankly, I doubted she was even going to be around very long when she hooked up with Eric, and I didn't even start to like her until Eric was evicted, the best thing that ever happened to her in that game. She did make a fantastic strategic move in voting Amy rather then Eric back into the house. Once she became Lisa, rather then Lisa and Eric, I really did start to root for her. I like her a lot, but for me to root for her again she will need to step up her game play.


6. James(Season 6)- HOT! I don't care what anyone says, but that boy is hot. He doesn't even need to bring any shirts with him if he gets into the house. Just walk around shirtless for three months. Physical apperance is not the only reason that I want him in the house. He managed to dominate the game far longer then he should have been able to with no allies and evey member of that house gunning for him. Imagine what he could do if he formed an alliance that lasted? Or if there was someone in the house to hate besides him?


My remaining top 12 are the people from the list that I would like to see in the house, but I'm not going to help them get there.

7. Erika(Season 4)- Erika was the best part of the worst season of Big Brother. She might have been interesting because everyone else was not, but this would be her chance to prove that she can shine among the best and not just amongst the worst.

8. Howie(Season 6)- How can you not love Howie? I can't say that I would have chosen him for my Top 20, but with the contestants that I hav to choose from he definitley makes the cut. AND....I know he won't vote against Janelle or Kaysar so if nothing else he is an ally for them.

9. Monica(Season 2)- She is another house guest that I liked, bu wouldn't have neccesarily chosen to be on All Stars. I think that she is funny, and will bring something interesting to the house, but I can't imagine that she will make it very far.

10. Will(Season 2)- FANTASTIC PLAYER! Everyone hated him, and he still managed to win. Every week there was talk of voting him out, and yet they never did. He is probably the player that deserved to win the most strictly on the merits of game play. People are wise to his tricks, though, so he may have to adapt the way that he plays the game.

11. Nakomis(Season 5)- I don't hate her, and I don't love her, but she was a good player. If I had not had so many people in the potential 20 that I abhored I don't know if Nakomis would have made my listT hat being said I think that if she were to get onto the show she would do well.

12. Jase(Season 5)- I hate Jase less then I hate some of those other people, and that is why he gained a spot in my top 12. No other reason. He isn't a good player. He is a buffon who thinks that he is funnier, smarter, and better looking then he actually is. That being said, I'd rather watch him then Ivette.


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