Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Big Brother 7: All Stars Watch

I love reality television. Yes, my love for competition based reality show started with Survivor, but there is no reality show that I love more then Big Brother. First of all it is on three times a week. This I love. Once a week is just not enough for me.

Secondly, this show is chock full of strategy. There are so many stages to actually getting someone evicted that I like to be a de facto player, playing along with those in the house. Granted, I can see what can be done more clearly because I am watching, and not actually in the house, but I have no dobut that if I were to be cast on Big Brother I would win. I know this game like the back of my hand, and I will continue to try to get on it until they cease to produce it. The latest edition is an All Star edition. On one hand this is disappointing because I cannot throw my hat into the ring as a potential participant, but on the other hand this is extremely exciting because it allows me to see some of my favorite players pitted against one another.

A casting special of Big Brother is going to air on Wednesday in which the 20 potential houseguests are going to be revealed to the public. From that day until July 5th, the viewers are going to be able to vote on who they want in the house. Honestly, if it were simply left to the viewers there probably wouldn't be all that much conflict in the house so thankfully the producers are allowing the viewers to pick three men and three women, but they are going to choose the remaining six contestants to ensure that past players who may not have been the most liked but who will create the best television will have a spot on the show.

Apparently, CBS may have had a bit of a technical snafu and posted the potential twenty houseguests on their website ever so briefly. This could be a way to throw us off balance and really surprise us when they make the announcement, or it could simply be a mistake thus giving us truly devoted fans an early sneak peek.

Here is the list:


(I am going to let you all know which of these tweleve I would like to see on the show, but let me just say that I see some very notable omissions from this list: Danielle, Will Wikle, Marcellas, and Nakomis, which basically means that I hope that a part of this list is right and I hope that a part of it is very wrong).

My Top 12 based on the potential top 20:

1. Janelle-Perhaps my favorite Big Brother contestant in the history of the game. She certainly was the best player of her season, and she could very well have been the best player ever except for the fact that she wasn't able to win. The best players are not neccesarily always the ones to win though.

2. Kaysar-Yet another BB6 contestant who ranks among my favorite BB Houseguests. He was robbed TWICE, but to be fair he shouldn't have trusted Jennifer thus ensuring the demolition of the Soverign Six. I would love to see Kaysar and Janelle team up again, but if they do that it may need to be a secret alliance because they are a formidable team. If they are both in the house they could be an easy pair to target right away.

3. Jason- The boy was too cute. He was in a fantastic alliance in the fantastic 3rd season(which along with 5 and 6 ranks as my top three seasons). He was a part of a final three(with Lisa and Danielle)that I would have been happy with any of the three winning. When they came together in an alliance I couldn't have been happier. Ultimately Lisa won Big Brother 3, but I would love to see what Jason could do without Danielle(based on the rumored top 20)

4. Erica- Simply put I really liked her. She was perhaps one of the only things that I liked in the very disappointing season four of Big Brother. It was a lackluster season with a lackluster cast, and I would like to see Erica get a chance to compete with more savvy and interesting players becuase I think that she does have the potential to be outstanding in this game.

5. Will- I am assuming that this is the Will of Big Brother 2. I would love to have Will from Big Brother 5 on here as well, but it would seem logical to think that they would want to get BB2 Will back because not only was he one of the most popular, if not because people loved to hate him, players but he was also one of if not the most deserving winners based strictly on game play. He managed to make it through almost the entire game with a target on his back. That is something. Plus, he's so damn adorable that I wouldn't mind another summer of shirtless Dr. Will! :)

6. Shannon- To be clear there is nothing that I like about Shannon. She seemed mean and spiteful simply for the sake of being those things. There was no apparent depth to her, but this is television and the girl is unpredictable. She washed the toilet with Hardy's tooth brush and then neglected to inform him. Is that disgusting? Absolutely. Is that good television? Absolutely. Add that to the fact, that when she was on Big Brother 2 she had a "showmance"(I did not coin this term...I think it was Amy and Nick from the Apprentice: Season 1 as a way to define their on screen flirtation)with Will that ended....I imagine it didn't end well. Maybe they will reunite? Or maybe Shannon will turn her unpredictability against Will and get him oustered from the beginning? I don't want Kaysar or Janelle to trust her, but I wouldn't mind if they used her to do a little dirty work and further themselves along in the game. There needs to be at least one or two pawns on every season, and Shannon fits the bill this season.

7. James- I don't know who was responsible for casting Big Brother 6, but they need to be hired back for any subsuquent season of Big Brother because they picked some of the best players in the history of the show. James was a shrewd player, and he made it incredibly far in the game with essentially EVERY one in the house gunning for him. Ultimately, he fell victim to the vendetta of the house guests, but even though the house made him out to be a villian there was SOMETHING about him. He wasn't completely evil. There was a part of you that liked him even though you didn't want to. Plus, if Janelle and James combined their prowess this time they could be unstoppable. That doesn't mean I want Janelle to drop Kaysar, but rather I want Kaysar, Janelle, and James to form an alliance and stick to it this time. Luckily, Howie won't be around to be pressured into nominating him.

8. Nicole- Big Brother 2's memorable runner up seemed to become more and more unhinged as the season progressed, and I want to see that all over again. Here is yet another player that I want around simply as someone for my favorites to get rid of. Plus, what is it going to do to her to be trapped in a house with Will all over again? Could she perhaps pull it together and join forces with Shannon to get rid of him...or maybe they would form a Season 2 alliance pitted against what I hope will be a season 6 alliance of James, Kaysar, and Janelle? Big Brother 2 was certaily not my favorite season, but it introduced to some very memorable houseguests. Nicole was supposed to be the first person voted out the house, but managed to stay and form a solid alliance. Can she do that again? Has she learned from her mistakes???

9. Roddy- Danielle dubbed him the devil, and I went along with it because I was on the Danielle bandwagon so while I didn't neccesarily see Roddy as the devil I did want him out of the show because he wasn't aligned with my people. That being said, the man is charming. Maybe his charms were just in the wrong house? Roddy and Erica might be a perfect fit for an alliance. They were two players who were overshadowed in their own season. Maybe they could emerge as an unstoppable duo in all stars. The All Stars doesn't neccesarily have to be all the best players, perhaps a mix of the best players with some of the players with the best potential. Roddy falls somewhere in between those two extremes, but this could be his chance to show us what he is truly made of as a player.

10. Amy- Another train wreck. All the girl did was drink which was no small part of her eviction from the house. Then they voted her back into the house, and she then drank and drank and drank some more. But there was a spark between her and Roddy that wasn't able to be fully explored because of her allegiance to other players. Maybe this time Roddy could use her to do his own bidding. Something tells me that she hasn't learned enough to be a power player.

11. Josh- Of the guys that are left to choose from there are none that I want to see again. Most of them were boring. At least Josh was a character. Plus he has some history with my choice of other Big Brother 3 contestants. Someone has to be the first to go, and that is as good a reason as any to bring Josh into the house.

12. Alison- This last spot was tough. Originally I wanted to go with Diane, but she just wanted to be interesting more then she actually was. Another part of me wanted to go with Brittany, but she was so sweet in Season 1, and I don't know if I want to expose her to all this deciet and scandal. Alison is another player that I cared nothing for, and something tells me that nobody else did either. But she comes into the game with a built in target which takes the heat off of James, Janelle, and Kaysar. That I like.

Those are my choices. Based on the twenty players that are revealed on Wednesday, I will revise if I have to.


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