Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Thursday, June 08, 2006


So I got one response to the ad I posted on craigslist. It was brief.


I hear ya bro. Don't give up.

I'm a writer too... playwright, actually. Maybe we could have coffee

Good luck with your search.

Now with what little information that I have I did a little search on the internet to see if I could find out any information about this person. First of all he is far older then anyone that I would ever want to date. I found his website. I find it too mean to post his website on my blog for the sheer purpose of saying how I want nothing to do with the guy. But I don't have a problem with discussing it.

The age thing aside, upon perusing the pictures on his website I came to the very fast realization that I could never be attracted to this person. He could have the most sparkling personality on the face of the planet, and I would not find him physically attractive at all. Is that shallow of me? Maybe a little bit, but if you are going to date someone you need to be physically attracted to them. You may be asking yourself why I don't just meet the guy and become his friend. That is not what this is about. I've got many many many wonderful friends, and I'm always open to making new friends, but I think in this particular case it defeats the purpose of what it is that I'm trying to do.

If by Monday I don't get any more responses I'm going to try this again with a different ad. I'm not sure what that ad will be, but that is a thought for another day.


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