Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Pure Power Boot Camp: Day 3

I realize I keep saying that I'm not going to write about boot camp everyday, and then each day that I go a new post shows up, but it has only been the first three days so there is always something new and exciting to report. I imagine as it all becomes more routine I'm going to have less to say about it.

Today was not easy. Sometimes I don't think that I'm going to make it past the first five minutes, but then we start to focus on different parts of the body and the ones that feel as if they are about to fall off get a slight rest. I was on the obstalce course again today, and I have to say that as far as work outs go this one is incredibly difficult, but at the same time it is incredibly FUN! I was leaving class today and I realized that even though I had endured a great deal of pain over the past hour, I also had a lot of fun. I'm as amazed as anyone at this, because as much as I came to appreciate going to Barry's Boot Camp I never actually enjoyed it. There was never anything but dread when I got up to go there. Yet another reason that I find Pure Power Boot Camp far superior to Barry's Bootcamp. circulating the air...and instructors who push you to go beyond what you think you can do in a constructive manner.

All of that being said....there was another member of the class who was bugging me a bit today. I was just to hoist myself over a very very tall wall. I have to run and jump and grip and then climb up the wall with my feet. It is one of the harder physical exertions I have engaged in, and it reminds of something that they would do on the Real World/Road Rules Challenge. Those things are much harder then they look. I have a newfound respect for reality show contestants. This guy kept telling me how to do it and what to do, and I was trying my hardest, and he wasn't an instructor and he kept going on about how he couldn't do it. Truth be told, I think that he was trying to be helpful, but he was being sort of pushy and I think getting aggrevated when I wasn't following his instructions to a tee. I'm not there to be reprimanded by other members of the class. All of that being said, he was talking to me after class and he was a very nice man. I just think he needs to work on his helping people out approach.


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