Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Pure Power Boot Camp: Day 2

Just to be clear I will not be posting a day by day account of my experiences at PPBC because I imagine that some days are going to be no more interesting then me running around or jumping over walls with nothing much of note or importance to discuss.

But there are going to be days that there are things to report. Today is one of those days. The first thing is yet another comment on why I, even after the second day, prefer Pure Power Boot Camp. There actually will be more then one comment now that I think about it. We don't run on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill, and Barry loved to have us on the treadmill. Yes, at PPBC we do do laps around the course, but it's not on a treadmill and it is certainly not for a half an hour period. There is running throughout the entire hour, but it is intermixed with strength training. I much prefer this. There is not a treadmill in sight, and I like that.

Additionally, PPBC is not a room that is so stifling that you feel as if you are going pass out because of the heat in the air. Barry didn't like to turn the fans on or keep the door open. He liked to create a hotbox to further the torture. That is the thing...he liked to torture us. It sometimes seemed to be more about torture then working out, which gave results but not my preferred method of getting results. Others seemed to thrive on it. I did not. At all. Yes, I was in fantastic shape, but sometimes I felt like the bastard stepchild of the class among the very much in shape gay men that Barry fawned over. I might as well have been a girl as far as he was concerned, because the girls didn't get much attention either.

It's a whole new world at PPBC. There is air circulation. We are working hard. I think I'm working harder then when I was at Barry's. But I'm able to push myself further because I'm able to breathe. I'm not sure if the ac is running, or there are fans, or windows open(I looked around, but couldn't quite figure it out-I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true) but there is air moving. Cool air. It helps to invigorate you. Also, I'm digging the fact that there is only one other guy in the class. I don't want a bunch of muscluar, six pack abs, models doing these things with me. I like that I'm in a group of girls who are clearly in shape, but struggle with these exercises like a normal person. There is another guy, but I don't find him all that intimidating the way that I do with just about any guy that I see in a physical fitness setting. Perhaps it's residual anxiety over gym class. The instructors are fantastically motivating, and seem to push people exactly when they need to be pushed. Is the class torture? Of course it is. Am I glad I'm doing it? OF COURSE! I love being pushed beyond what I would push myself to do when working out.

Today's class literally flew by. At the end of the class when it was time to come in and do the group situps that we do, I literally thought that he was kidding. I couldn't believe an hour had passed already. I was AMAZED. My amazement was so profound that I had to say it outloud to which one of the instructors replied with something about time flying when you are having fun. I wouldn't quite go that far. But time does fly when you're not concentrating on the time, but rather on the squats that you are doing while holding a tire over your head. Somehow, the notion of when you are going to be out of the class leaves the mind, and you just want to be finished with the tire. I wonder why.


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