Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pure Power Boot Camp

I have been less then motivated to go to the gym as of late. When I was in LA, and going to Barry's I was perhaps in the best shape of my life. I liked that. Now I am not so much in that good shape. I am feeling really blah, and that just gives me even less motivation to go to the gym. I need to be held accountable by someone else for my gym going habits, and that is why I have signed up for Pure Power Boot Camp.

It is different then Barry's. Very different. First of all the instructors were actually Marines. These are some hardcore people. I went in their today to sign my credit card slip, and finalize everything for my June 5th start date. It is going to be for six weeks, and then after that I think that I am going to have to find a new means of motivating myself to work out, becuase this is not a cheap endeaver. But I digress. I walked into this place today to find an obstacle course. People climbing over walls and going through rope ladders. This is no joke. This is actually like boot camp. I have to wear a uniform, I have to do pushups the moment that I step off the elevator, I am in a platoon, and I was given literature to study.....which I was informed I will be tested on. That's right...I will be tested on it. I'm not going to lie to you my faithful readers, I am scared. I am also going into it with a positive attitude.

The first thing that I am going to do this time is eat the proper diet in conjunction with my six weeks of what I think is going to be hell on earth working out. Beth is going to plan me a diet to eat. I want to see what happens if I do everything right over the course of the next six weeks. Perhaps it will give me motivation to stay on that right path. After the six weeks I am thinking of taking up yoga, and now that Beth is going to be a licensed trainer I have told her that she is going to have to develop a workout program for me, because as I have said over and over and over again...I'm not good on the doing things on my own. I need someone to be yelling at me or at least someone to tell me what to do. I hate to think about the gym. I never know what to do. I like to have programs and plans and instructors.

You know what I thought about today when I was looking at people go through this obstacle course...well I thought about two things. The one thing that I thought about is the fact that the people who were in the gym didn't look like they were in the most fantastic shape of their life. This makes me feel better because it means that there are regular people there, and that I'm not going to come in and be far behind everyone else in my "platoon". The other thing that I thought of was that this was going to be fantastic training for me to be on Survivor. Those people are always climbing through rope nets and leaping over walls. This is going to being me one step closer to being the perfect Survivor.


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