Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Countdown Is Over: The Camden's are gone

After ten years of pretending not to be a gigantic fan of the show Seventh Heaven, in the past couple of years I embraced my love for those wacky Camdens. I never got to the point of adding it to my DVR.

I had big hopes for this final episode of Seventh Heaven, and I am going to be completely blunt with you here......Brenda Hampton let me down....BIG TIME!

First of all one of the more minor questions that I had that will never be answered was what was the mysterious source of income that Kevin, Lucy's husband seemed to have. Kevin had left the police force and became a stay at home dad, Lucy was a minister...I don't even think that she went to college....and yet Kevin was giving Ruthie money to go on a three month trip to Scotland and Lucy and Kevin decided that as a wedding present to Simon they were going to pay off the remainder of the balance on the engangement ring, that apparently was beautiful and very expensive that Simon had basically dropped out of school and was working two jobs just to pay off this ring. Where exactly did Kevin get all that money? Is he secretly a drug dealer.....perhaps they should have a darker, seedier spinoff that focuses on Kevin and his illegal dealings. The Camden's would never approve.

Every other second they were flashing back to the first episode.....which they had done in the previous two episodes. I understand that when a show is going to come to an end they are going to be a little bit nostalgic and rely a bit on flashbacks...but they should not consume the final three episodes as they did in the case of Seventh Heaven. Every other minute we had Eric and Annie gazing into each other's eyes or at one of their kids, and we were whisked back to 1996. I've lived through 1996 and the first season of Seventh Heaven once already......I don't need to do it again. In the same vein...I didn't need to see Annie and Eric imagine how the wedding was going to...why did they waste time with those ridiculous scenarios. Why didn't they show us Simon and Rose not getting married, rather then leave us guessing at the wedding reception. I mean we all knew that it was not going to happen, but the time for suspense has passed. The series finale should be all about pay off pay off pay off.

Which brings me to yet another grievance. Mary appeared at the wedding in one of Eric's fantasies, but wasn't at the actual wedding. First we will deal with the fantasy. Mary's father clearly thinks that she is a moron, because she didn't even know what a globe was in this little scenario. Mary may have been the bad seed of the Camden clan...aka a normal twenty something of the 21st century......but she was never stupid, and I was thrilled beyond belief that Annie pointed out to Eric that Mary is far smarter then he was giving her credit for. I'm going to return to my frustrations regarding Mary in a moment, but first...

How ridiculous is it that Lucy, Matt, and Mary were all going to be having twins. What? What is the deal? How fertile are these people. Annie popped out seven kids.....Lucy is well on her way being twenty four with one child, and two more on the way. Matt and Sara are a little behind, but they got two for the price of one. Carlos and Mary already have a kid, and two more on the way. Which leads me back to Mary....she was just as pregnant as Sarah, and Sarah flew to the wedding. Why didn't Mary come? I mean...what is the point of not having her there. They got Jessica Biel back for the final episode, and this is television....even if she was too pregnant to fly this is FICTION. She should have been at the wedding, and it was ridiculous that she was not. Incidentally, I almost fell on the floor with laughter at the reaction of Annie and Eric upon finding out that Carlos and Mary had gotten back together....GOD FORBID they have one child who is not perfect. GOD FORBID! I liked that Mary wasn't perfect, but they had to redeem her.

Now let's talk about the ending.....Haylie Duff walked in with that baby and told Simon that they needed to talk, seriously implying that the baby was his and not Martin's. But then no words were started.

If that had been the season finale that would have been a perfectly fine ending....a great one as a matter of fact. But as a series finale it was not good. BTW...where was Ruthie during the whole thing? She appeared for approximately seven minutes.

I'm sorry to say that the Seventh Hevan Series Finale was a major disappointment, but the ten years of guilty pleasure you never want to admit you watch it TV was well worth it!


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