Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Do I Ask To Find Myself In These Situations?

Sometimes I wonder if I find myself in these ridiculously melodramatic situations because I am emitting some sub-concious homing beacon to the crazy people of the world. I'm a mecca for nutcases. I am a little behind in my blogging so this all takes place last Friday when Erin was still here. We had been very lethargic during the day, and were wondering if we were even going to go out that evening. Of course we were going to grab dinner, but a night of drinking didn't exactly sound appealing. Actually, I don't even think I was that hungry, and if I had been alone probably would not even have gone out to dinner, but then I wouldn't have this story to relate!

It is proven to me time and time again that the evenings that you insist you want to do nothing, and then are coaxed out of the house are the evenings that turn out to be the most interesting and fun. Kristyn planned on meeting Arthur at Merrick's so we went along, and within moments there was a margaraita, and a delcious one at that, in my hand. I sucked that margarita down like it was the juice of life, and before I knew it I was ready for my second one and more then willing to entertain the possibility of going out. A lot of times when i say I don't want to go out it comes from a lack of motivation. If you get me to a bar or a restuarant, surrond me with some friends and put a drink in my hand then my outlook on life tends to change.

Three or four margaritas later, I lost count when I got completely trashed off of the margaritas. It didn't help that all I had eaten that evening had been a handful of chips and like three bites of a chicken quesadilla, we were off. Where were we going? Kristyn, Erin, Arthur, and I hopped in a cab to I Candy, that bar whose opening was chronicled on a reality show on LOGO. I think like fourteen people in America actually watch LOGO so if you have never heard of it then I wouldn't feel too bad. I probably should have asked where Arthur was taking us as we piled into the cab, but with three or four margaritas dancing around in me it seemed like a good idea. This bar was wall to wall men. I mean you could barely turn a shoulder. I managed to get through two vodka tonics, but for one reason or another I was not feeling the bar. We mosied along outside, and stood there for a while, and knowing that Erin had had enough of being jammed into small spaces with gay men as far as the eye could see, I decided that it was time for us to head out. Arthur and Kristyn stayed to continue their own adventures.

Erin and I got out onto the street, and the fresh air invigorated me. We started to call all of our friends from high school and leave them very very drunk messages. Bevin actually picked up the phone and spoke in words that were completely unintelligible. Erin and I kept thrusting the phone at each other and attempting to talk to her but she was barely able to manage a grunt let alone construct a sentence and realize who it was. I don't understand people who hear the phone, answer it, but are unable to completely rouse themselves from their slumber so that they can actually. I may be half asleep when that happens, but I am still able to form words. Oh bevin...gotta love her. We each left Beth and Jen messages. I think we each left Kevin messages as well. When we called Richard, Beth's boyfriend, neither one of us actually wanted to talk so we just held the phone out into the air demanding that the other person talk. You don't actually want to get most of these people on the phone. You are hoping to leave them a drunken message that they will laugh at in the morning, but Richard answered the phone and dashed all of our plans. Talking to Beth later, I learned that he had heard us arguing about who was going to talk. Personally, I would have just hung up the phone rather then listen to the ramblings of two drunk morons.

The night air and the round of prank phone calls gave me a new lease on the evening. I did not want to go home, and when Erin said that she did want to go home I apparently scolded her and told her that she was going to party like a rock star. Where did I take her to party like a rock star...that's right.....Fiesta. It was the second happy hour of the evening which of course lasts for two hours. I think that the first one lasts for four hours. I could not let Erin leave West Hollywood and not know the joy that is very strong double drinks at Fiesta. We went there, got our drinks, and went out onto the patio. I am a friendly person to begin with, but when I am as drunk as I was at that moment I will talk to anyone regardless of who they are or what they are doing. My mouth will open, and words will start to fly out. That is how we met Tony. We were standing at one of the tables, of course I was lighting a cigarette, and Tony was sitting down smoking. I smiled at him, and said hello. Very loudly. He responded with hello and the conversation was off and running. What is it that the three of us talked about in those few moments? I have no idea. I do know that I thought Tony was cute, and that he smoked. This is wrong of me, but there is a part of me that find a guy who smokes very attractive. Maybe it is because I don't have to justify it to them that I smoke. Regardless, he was there with his friends who wanted to go next store to Rage. He invited us along. Rage has a ten dollar cover, but I was drunk and there was a cute boy involved....there was no way that I wasn't going, and poor Erin was caught in the gravitational pull of my hormones and had no choice but to stay the course.

This is where I stop the story for a moment. I want to tell a story about what my roommate said to me when I was relating this story to her. Tara was sitting on the couch and since I am unable to sit still for longer then two seconds was weaving back and forth across the living room as I told her about my evening. The moment in which I am stopping you in the story is the moment in which she stopped me with a bit of astonishment. Tara told me that I am the only person she knows that meets people at a bar then proceeds to leave the bar and continue the night with him. When she meets someone at a bar she has fun with them there, but when that portion of the evening is over they part ways. Not me....if we meet in a bar chances are we are going to probably head to the next bar together. I seem to do this at points that are later in the evening rather then earlier in the evening. I am always a more the merrier type of guy, but I guess as evenings such as these proceed and I continue the intake of vodka tonics I insist that we are more and merry.

I return to my story now.

As we were entering Rage, Tony leans in and whispers in my ear that his friend Danny, who looks like Jeff Branson who plays Johnathan Lavery on All My Children, thinks that I am cute. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do with that information. I had been making it very clear that I was interested in Tony, and not Danny. Without really giving anything away, I should have let that be my first clue that this guy was not in the frame of mind that I wanted him to be in. Unsure of where to go with that statement, I told Tony that I thought that he was cute, and he told me that he thought that I was cute too. There was a lot of cute being thrown around. When you say it once it is accetpable, but when you start to throw it around like that it starts to take a different meaning. It isn't what you want it to be. I think of puppy's and small children frolicking in the field as their proud parents watch on, digitial cameras in hand. The night proceeded. There was dancing. There was drinking. There was Erin having enough of gay men, and leaving to go home to bed. There was Tony and I going to the bathroom, and then when I finished he had disappeared and I couldn't find him or his friends anywhere. It was as if they had left. I had mixed feelings of disappointment and anger, but then all of a sudden I found Tony at the bar. It was strange because he had not been there a second before. It was as if he had appeared out of nowhere.

We went and found his friends and went to dance. This is when I began to feel caught between a rock and a hard place. I was dancing with Tony who was definitley dancing with me, but his friend Danny was also getting up on me. Danny had some roving hands. If I am going to be completely honest, I do have to say that I liked having two guys want attention from me. It does not happen often, and it is a bit of an ego boost. There even was a moment or two when I thought that Danny might be the one that I should pursue because his efforts to make his attraction known were definitley more blatant, but my mind had set on Tony and when I hone in on someone I tend to not change my mind, at least in an evening. I'm pretty sure that Danny realized that, but that didn't really seem to stop him from making his attraction known.

When the bar finally closed we all decided to go and get something to eat. I wasn't sure if Tony was going to be coming with us. He disappeared in his car, and didn't seem to want me to come with him or say goodbye to me. Danny, however, was practically pulling me into the car with him, draping himself over me, and insisting that I come. This is yet another clue about Tony that I should have picked up on. The boy seemingly left without saying a word to me. How interested could he have really been? When we got to the diner, Danny sat next to me and continued to molest my leg as we were looking at the menus. I was just sort of beginning to accept Danny's interest when Tony came into the diner.

Danny had come with Tony, and two of his other friends, a guy and a girl. At this point the guy turned to me and told me that he knew what my game was. That is interesting, because I didn't know what my game was. He seemed to think that I was purposefully trying to play Tony and Danny against one another in some sort of competition for my affection. Are you kidding me? Seriously....I had made my intentions very clear. I had voiced them, and this short little man was trying to tell me that I was shady, and then there girlfriend tried to imply that I was some dirty slut...those were the words that were used. These two had such vehemence towards me that I wasn't even sure what to do with it. I couldn't even really believe that that was the situation that I was in. I have a hard enough time finding one guy, never mind having two that are friends both be interested in me. That is just more drama then I am interested in frankly. I tried to explain to the both of them, to no avail I might add, that I wasn't trying to play any games with their friends. Keep in mind this conversation is being had while Danny is trying to nuzzle his head on my shoulder and rubbing my leg. I don't think that anything I could have said to either one of the friends who seemed to think that I was the devil incarnate could have convinced them that I wasn't trying to play some sort of game here. What did not help was when Danny got up to go to the bathroom, Tony took his seat right away and started to manhandle me.

Was I giving off some sort of pheremone that these two really liked? That seat next to me was getting a lot of traffic. Danny came back to the table, and then Tony went to the bathroom. Danny got right back into the seat next to me. I was getting to a point where I didn't want to be around either one of them. The penchant for drama was getting too high for me.

We left the diner, and the two friends who saw me as some sort of sexual predator got into their car, waiting for Danny to get into the car as well. Danny, Tony, and I stood there awkwardly not exactly sure of what the next move was. Danny clearly wanted to say something to me, but instead just hugged me and got into the car with a rejected look on his face which of course I felt bad about, but I still had it in my mind that Tony was the guy that I was interestred in. Initially I said I was going to walk home, which I could have done but it would have been ridiculous. Tony insisted that he drive me home. He did. We sat in the driveway for a few minutes until I finally told Tony that I thought that he should kiss me. Hello? What did he think I was sitting in the car for? My health. It was like 3:30 in the morning. If I didn't want some man to man kissing then I wouldn't have been sitting in that car making ridiculous chatter. We did kiss, and he gave me his phone number, and for some reason I thought that it was a promising encounter. What I should have learned from this evening is that Tony does not know how to read blatant signals or have any idea what is going on inside of the head of people. He seems to be oblivious to the world, however I shouldn't be pointing fingers at people calling them oblivious because I seemed to be VERY MUCH misreading Tony.

Do you think that that is the end of the story? Is it ever the end of the story? Of course not. But the rest is for a later time.


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