Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sami Brady

Last Monday I stumbled into bootcamp weary eyed as usual. I've started going to the 7:45am class, and for some reason in that class Barry makes the woman run for an hour on Mondays, and it is just an hour of arms and triceps for the guys. I'm not a muscle guy, anyone who looks at me can realize that, and I know that I hold all of my weight in my mid-section so that means that I need me some cardio, and I bet if I said to Barry that I really wanted to do cardio he would let me run on that treadmill with the women, but do I speak up and say that. Of course not, because as much as I know that I need to do the cardio and get on that treadmill I am elated to not have to. I hate running on the treadmill. I mean I hate it more then I hate anything else. I know that a lot of pushing myself on the treadmill is mind over matter, but that matter wants to stay on top. I can't get to mind over matter because of the pain. I like riding the stationary bike better, I can push myself and it is not the abhorrent act of running on the treadmill. Yes, I said abhorrent and I meant it.

None of that has to do with Sami Brady. So I was sitting on the bench waiting for the earlier class to end, and the disgusting waves of heat that emanate from the room were wafting into the lobby, and the nastiness started to rise in my throat. When those waves of heat and sweat come at you in that waiting room, it is vomitacious. Yes, vomitacious. It is suffocating when you are in there, and vomitacious when it attacks you as an observor. I usually like to watch to see what is going on at the end of the earlier class to get a vague idea of what is going to happen in my class even though it isn't neccesarily an indication. The vomitacious wave hit me, and I turned my head to see a cute, short blond signing in, and when she turned her head I saw it. It was Alison Sweeney aka Sami Brady of Days of Our Lives.

I have seen stars, and many of them, in both Los Angeles and NYC, but there is something about seeing a soap star. I love soap operas to such an extent, that I become a star struck fan when I see them. It is as if I can hardly believe that they are standing there. I think that it has something to do with the fact that we watch them everyday. It is different then watching a weekly series that has re-runs and hiatuses and gets cancelled. Soap operas just keep going and going and going, and often characters and the actors who play them are there for years and years and years. There is an attachment, and even though Days of Our Lives isn't my soap it is still a soap.

I know that they are just people, and I shouldn't think of them as any different, but it was Sami Brady. That is an iconic soap character. So when she jumped off the treadmill, leaving it running, and went into the lobby to catch her breath and get some air I saw my moment. As she walked back into the room, and walked past me I lept up from the push-ups that I was doing, and whispered in her ear that that Barry doesn't like it when people leave the machines running when they aren't on them.

She said a polite thank you, and went back on her treadmill. I think that she knew that shew wasn't supposed to leave it on and just didn't care. I also don't think that she appreciated the bit of advice that I gave her. Frankly, I don't care. It was Sami Brady, and I had to say something to her. Even if it was something as lame as turn off your treadmill when you jump off of it.

She may have been back on one of the days that I haven't been there, but a week has gonen by and I have gone four times and not seen her. Now if someone from General Hospital walked into that room I am not sure what I would do. Watch out.


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