Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Who Would Have Guessed? Part 2

Our quest to get into the Roosevelt Hotel was a success. We got there, and got in. This place is no joke. It is a bar that is by the ball in the Roosevelt Hotel. Now we are about to enter the brian is drunk and the boy is hot combination zone again. Of course when Michael asked who was going to buy him a drink, I voulnteered and promptly paid 31.15 for two vodka tonics. Yes, not only do I get boy crazy when I am drunk, but I get straight up stupid whipping out my credit card and buying people drinks in trendy hotel bars. I certainly know how to live in the moment, but the next day I can do nothing but slap myself on the head for that moment. The Roosevelt Hotel was what it was. We stayed there for a little while, and then proceeded to get into another cab that took us back to West Hollywood and back to Fiesta. That's right folks we went right back where we started.

Drinks were had...good times were had....Elle ordered a quesadilla that made me want to vomit. (Oh....the lovely expression of the evening was in reference to throwing up in one's own mouth and then swallowing. For some reason that was the reaction that everyone had to everything, and they needed to express in that oh so lovely way. He says having done it multiple times himself and not just during this evening). I am not sure what it was about the quesadilla sitting in front of me that was making me so ill, but it was. I literally wanted to beg Elle to stop eating that. It was making my stomach turn. So I just continued to drink. Always a good solution, and no it was not the alcohol that was making me feel sick. I had had a lot to drink over the course of the evening and had spread it out well, it was actually the nasty ass quesadilla that was sitting in front of me smeared in sour cream and guacamole that was turning me green. There are some nights when you want nothing but food when you are drunk, and there are other nights when food is repulsive. was the latter this time.

Kristyn, Elle, and Robert leave and now it is just me and Michael who once again proceeds to tell me that he has no friends and then runs into about seven people. We go next door to Mickey's, and what does Brian do yet again. Oh i buy him a drink. You might as well give me a membership to the moron club. We are hanging out there for a little while, and then he asks me if I want to go upstairs, which is closed, and dance and makeout. Hot boy, me drunk, making out all equates to something good. So we sneak upstairs, and in case you didn't realize this this is a bold move for me...I'm not one to shake the boat much, and we make out for a bit, and faster then a speeding bullet he has undone my pants and pulled them and my underwear down to my ankles. Nope. Nope. Nope. I realize that some may find this thrilling, but I just find it nerve wracking. I have a hard enough time clearing my mind to be in the moment when in an intimate situation with another person...adding to the fact that someone could walk in on it at any moment does not bode well for it. Faster then he took them down, they were back up much to his disappointment. I may get somewhat malleable when drunk and with a hot boy, but all of my brianness does not go out the window. When push comes to shove, the one true Brian will take over. That, however, did not stop me from agreeing to go back to his house which was very far away near the Roxy on Sunset Boulevard.

So we walked and we walked and we walked.......and we ran into some british guy who was asking for direcctions to Santa Monica. We thought that he meant Santa Monica Bouleavrd which was just up the street, but no no he was actually walking to Santa Monica, which was very very far. He is about to go on his way when Michael recognizes him from the bus earlier in the day. They know each other from the busy, and only the bus. They don't even know each other's names. Michael then offers to let this man that he has met only once to use his car to drive himself to Santa Monica. What? Am I actually witnessing this? Are you kidding me? Michael was completely serious. He was going to let him take the car. The british guy, realizing that this is crazy as well thank the lord, declines his offer to which Micahel comes back with a second offer of us driving him to Santa Monica in exchange for alcohol. What? We have consumed our body weight in alcohol over the course of the evening..we do not need any more alcohol. I finally managed to break up this ridiculous encounter, and we get back to Michael's apartment.

I'm going to now leave a blank space in the blog entry, because I don't think anyone needs a detailed account of what transpired next. But after all was said and done, I was basically told to leave because he had to work in the morning...he had to be there at noon. I'm not looking for him to morph into my boyfriend instantly, but I had never felt more used in my entire life. It's one thing to do the walk of shame in the morning, it's a whole different thing to do it at 3:30 in the morning on Sunset boulevard. That's right folks. I had to walk home at 3:30 in the morning. All was said and done, and he was said and done with me. He tried to be nice, but it wasn't a very nice thing to do. He then offered me a yogurt for the road....what? are you kidding me? I declined the yogurt, and headed out of the apartment feeling dejected, rejected, and used. Once again I say I didn't want or expect anything from this person, but to be told to leave right after everything is said and done does not make one feel very good. Can you dig it?

I do think that Michael is a nice person, I just don't particularly like the way the situation was handled. Walk of shame at 3:30 in the morning with my only consolation being offered some yogurt on the go...doesn't that exist....the post coital go-gurt.

I'm not sure why I attract and am attracted to these strange individuals, but I think that it is worth some merit, and I also have to say that my next sexual encounter is going to be with someone that I care about. I've tried these random things, and let's be honest...the neurotic in Brian isn't good at the random things, and for that I have to thank Michael because he opened my eyes to that in a way that they had not been opened before.

On a side note...are we not ecstatic that Michelle Williams got a Best Supporting Actress nomination? I always knew that that girl had talent. I was always a Jen fan! That's right. She may be a critically acclaimed queen of the indie world now, but I remember her days from the Creek, and they are nothing to be ashamed of!


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