Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Adventures in Comedy Clubbing....

So Krystyn is in town to work on a couple of jobs, and I am ever so glad to have her staying with me. Last night, the two of us went to a comedy show at the Laugh Factory. Her friend Theo is the host of the show, and was able to get us free tickets. YAY! for free tickets. In these days of me being ever so frugal, I am more then happy to go to free events.

Now...the comedians were less then funny. There was one guy that was from New York that was funnier then the rest, but for the most part I think that I would have been funnier...hold on let me correct that last statement...I know that I would have been funnier then most of the people that were on that stage. But I guess I should not point fingers because I am not on that stage....just wait....come this summer I'm going to be tearing up the stages hopefully. People are going to be rolling out of their chairs, tears streaming down their cheeks, grasping their stomach with pain as the fits of laughter overtake them. Where is this going to be happening you may be asking yourself? That is to be determined, but come this summer I will be tearing it up. I have a new sense of motivation and drive, but that is a discussion for another day.

If the comedians were so terrible, then why am I telling you about them? I'm not. I want to tell you what went on at the actual show...other hen show. Apparently it was college night at the Laugh Factory, and apparently this only draws freshmen in college. These were the loudest, most obnoxious, most poorly dressed group of eighteen year olds that I had ever seen in my life.

A lot of them were smoking cloves. Apparently that is an eighteen year old thing. Krystyn confimed that she too smoked cloves when she was eighteen. As did I. Obviously the smoking thing continued, but I stopped with the cloves. What is it about eighteen year olds that makes them want to smoke cloves? I think that it has something to do with trying anything and everything that you can. If it's legal...well if it is illegal too...but especially if it is legal they will try it.

So they were smoking their cloves and screaming, and laughing far more then was neccesary, and of course giggling as they flashed their fake ids to get their screwdrivers. A screwdriver seems like a day drink to me. Not even brunch. Like a 2pm drink as you stand at the window in the library, staring at the young teenagers in love frolicking on the grounds. Of course you have drawn the curtains, and you let them fall covering the window as you grasp your screwdriver and vow to keep them apart because that young ruffian is not acceptable for your high society daughter. Yes...I see a waspy type person drinking a screwdriver. Do you like where the image of screwdrivers took me? Where it does not take me is to underage obnoxious USC students sitting behind me laughing uncontroablly at things that are not funny. Drink a beer....a vodka cranberry. But a screwdriver? The waitress was carrying like twelve of them.

I know that I was, hell I still am, a little kooky at the age of eighteen but I refuse to believe that I was as obnoxious as these kids, mostly because I have always known how to hande myself in public, and these children seemed to be out in public for the first time. But it would be unfair to say that it is only the young that do not know how to conduct themselves when out and drinking, because clearly forty-five year old fat men don't know how to do it either.

Yes, there were two extremely overweight forty-five year old fat men sitting next to Krystyn and I...sort of. Luckily there was a few steps that were separating us from them so we didn't so much have to really deal with them so much as watch them. I don't know if they thought that they were being funny or if they were just that stupid, but they kept breaking their hands. Actually...I saw them knock two on the floor, and then I saw two actually break in this man's hands. Has he never picked up something that is made of glass? I'm not sure if he has. They were also leering and cat calling every woman that was walking past them. I guess since I am a homosexual that is a foreign concept to me, but I can't imagine why they would think anyone would respond to the vulgar things that they were saying. It is baffling to me.

And that was our night at the Laugh Factory|!


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