Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fear and Loathing in The Movie Theater

I went to see Walk the Line today. Much like Cinderella Man, it was a movie that I didn't initially want to see, but once it had been viewed by these eyes it became one of my favorite movies of 2005. I found it to be quite mesmerizing. Joaquin phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were great. I love that Reese Witherspoon. She has quite the range as an actress. She can do the serious dramatic roles, and the frothy romantic comedies that I love so much.

You may be thinking to yourself that I'm going to extol to you the virtues of the movie Walk The Line, and while that would be the predictable route I am actually going to tell you about a little something that happened before the movie began. For some reason the whole morning I had been craving Coke. This isn't exactly a new thing. I have an addiction to the sugary sweet delicious drink. I went to the concession stand, that had a lot of people milling about but no one actually buying anything. I mean what were these people doing. Why were they just standing there not really talking to anyone or looking at anything. There was just hardcore milling. You know what else? I think I just abandoned a sentence in midstream and went off on the milling tangent.

I'm bringing it back. So you know how they often will have movies in the middle of the day in which mothers, or I guess fathers too, can bring their babies with them so that they can continue to see the wonderful cinematic masterpieces that Hollywood brings to us weekly. As I am standing at the concession stand, ordering my Coke, I turn to see a herd of women, and some men, with baby carriages and babies in their arms. Dear Lord....did I just buy a ticket to a baby friendly movie? I don't have anything against babies, but I don't want to see a movie with a theater that is full of them. I am all for the institution of allowing mothers and fathers with small children to come to the movies in a baby friendly theater, but the theater needs to advertise to patrons that are baby free which showings of which movies are going to be baby friendly.

In the end, however, I think it was a showing of Rent that was baby friendly. Whatever it was, it was not the 1:40pm showing of Walk the Line that was surprisngly full.....apparently LA is the city of people who work at weird hours. I guess that makes sense with all of the actors and what not running about.

The moral of the story is, have baby friendly showings of blockbuster films, but advertise the films and times that are going to be that for those of us who do not have babies.

That was a random thought, but you all of the re-telling of my exploits in NYC to look forward to. Here is just a little tidbit of what went down...."Have another giggles today...."


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