Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, November 14, 2005

Drama Drama Drama Part 2

After a while of making out we went downstairs. I don't really know why we stopped making out or what was so important about us going downstairs, but we did. Johnny's friends were leaving, and were going to take Antonio to his boyfriend's house. At least that is what Antonio called him. If someone else called this dude his boyfriend then Antonio would say that they were only dating. They are broken up now. Antonio has these mini-dramas with these guys that don't need to be dramas at all. It comes off as if they are ending these grand romances, when acutally they had been dating for like a week. At least when I end things with a guy it is usually more with a whimper...which is usually what a week long relationship deserves. There are the occasional end with a bang week long relationships, but should that really be your pattern? It sounds too emotionally draining.

That was a bit of a tangent. Antonio had been ready to leave the bar since basically I had gotten there which I think was only a few minutes after he had gotten there, but now that Wendy and Johnny and company were leaving Antonio had a ride because one of their friends had been staying sober to least that is what they told me. I probably still wouldn't have gotten in the car with them. You never know what people consider sober. Especially here. People in LA seem to be under the impression that they can drive drunk, and that its ok. At least a lot of the ones that I have met do. I make my disagreement with that statement known each time.

You see the reason that these people were bringing Antonio to his whatever's house is because I wouldn't drive him. I guess I had been about halfway through my second drink when Antonio asked me if I would drive him to this guy's house. I was in no mood to drive anywhere to begin with, but besides that I had just had basically two drinks and was getting ready for the third. I had no buisness behind the wheel of a car, but Antonio actually tried to convince me that it would be fine. He would drive my car to this guy's house, and then I could drive myself home. I had just had two strong drinks. That wasn't goinng to be wearing off for a while, and by the time it did I would hopefully be fast asleep. Driving was not in store for me on this particular evening, and this moron actually tried to get me to do it. I was having NONE OF IT!

So Johnny and I reach the exit to the bar, and his friend was there. His friend actually seemed very sweet. He was trying to look out for his friend. I think that he thought that I was lecherous or something. I am the farthest thing from a threat to the boy, but his friend didn't know that and I would react the same way. I got my friends backs so that only proved to me that there are people in LA who know how to be a friend. This had been a fairly good evening, but this is where it took a turn onto Sketchy Lane.

Johnny and I walked to the exit, and his friend was still there, and I was like so you want to give me your number. I don't think that he was going to ask for mine. I should have taken that as clue number one, but I was drunk so whatever. He gave me the number, and it ended in a 24, but his friend who was behind him kept saying 84. What? What? What? I was most definitley picking up on that. Was he giving me a fake number? What is that? He claimed that it was a real number, but I was leery. We made out in front of the bar a bit more, and I told him that I would call him. He headed in one direction to go to the car, and I went in the other direction towards my house.

The next thing I know I'm getting a call from Antonio, and I'm not exactly sure why he called me but what I gathered from the phone call that Johhny was there freaking out over the fact that he thought that i had herpes. Why did he think I have herpes you may ask yourself? Because god damn Antonio told that fricking story about me making out with seventeen guys on my birthday. He so misrepresents that story. There were only like two guys who I actually made out made out with. For the most part I was attempting to avoid them, because most of them were gross. But Johnny had gotten into his head that I had herpes, because there had been jokes about it when the story had been told. In his drunken state he was confusing everything I guess. Not only am I drunk, but I am now pissed and drunk. The record had to be set straight. I went back to where they had parked, and Johhny was getting in the car and I went over to him to explain how you know I didn't have herpes and all that fun stuff. What does Antonio do? He gets in front of me....block my path to Johnny who now gets in the car, and tells me to be on my way. Are you kidding me? Had I just been dismissed? What the f!

Being drunk, however, I wasn't really able to put up much of a fight. I then proceeded to start walking home, called Antonio to tell him how pissed I was at the situation and I didn't realize this at the time but at him as well, but he wasn't even trying to hear what I had to say. He was in the midst of his own drama. Shocking. About twenty minutes later, I called Johnny.....this was a stupid thing to do I realize, but I was drunk so I give myself a pass. Not to say that it was any less humiliating, but sometimes when you are drunk you don't make the best phoen call decisions. I didn't actually get Johnny...I got a could have been or it might not have been, and if it wasn't him then someone is going to be laughing a lot at the voicemail of a pissed off drunk gay man extolling the fact that he doesn't have herpes and then stating how cute Johhny is and giving him my phone number. All in one message. I most definitley was under the influence of vodka.

Then the night evolved into a ridiculous montage of me giving two girls on the street a cigarette and learning that they two had moved here from the East Coast over the summer, and they two hated LA more then any other place in the world and desperately missed NYC! :)

After leaving them, I got home went inside and was about to get into bed when I decided that I wanted to go outside, smoke another cigarette, and call people. Yes I made the concious decision to make drunk phone calls. I rationalized it to myself by caling only people who I thought might be up! The one small problem in this whole equation is that it was 2:30 in the morning...on a Sunday....that would make it 5:30 in the morning East Coast time. Who the hell is going to be up? I mean honestly. What lucky souls did I deem to be up all nighters? Two of my friends from high school, Erin and Kevin(although I have to admit that there was probably a chance that he might have actually been up, and my cousin Victoria...that one had stemmed from an im conversation that we had in which we expressed our desire to keep in touch better. Probably not the best time to follow through on that.

No one answered, of course. Erin called me the next day, but I have yet to hear from Kevin and Victoria which I find strange. If someone leaves you a rambling, semi-incoherent message at 2:30/5:30 in the morning might you not want to call them back and find out what precipitated the need? Apparently they are not curious people. I would not be able to resist.


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