Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...Part 2

The four of us are now at Mickey's, and after having spent about an hour and a half outside with Ricardo the crush that I had on him became official. It was funny because even though we were stuck outside of the club, and it was rather aggrevating I didn't completely mind it. I had a chance to get some get to know you time with Ricardo which wasn't such a bad thing. We all headed to the back of the bar to dance, and before I knew it of the four of us Ricardo and I were the only two dancing. Antonio and Ranise had flittered away. I have no idea where they were, but the two of us were there dancing. It is a tricky situation because at this point I had no idea what was going on inside Ricardo's head. I was beginning to think that maybe he might have a little thing for me as well, but God knows that I am not brave enough to act on one of these hunches. I'm not the make the first move kind of guy. I am the avert eye contact with the object of one's affection when the two of you are on the dance floor alone giving you the perfect opportunity to size up the situation. I never have been one to take advantage of situations like that.

Ranise and Antonio continue to go between the dance floor and the bar, but on one trip back Antonio comes without Ranise, and I saw this as a good opportunity to take Ranise outside and size up the situation only to find her in an intimage converstation with some guy. I thought perhaps she had found the only straight guy in the bar, but no it was just another gay. Not that I wanted to be rude, but the woman has enough homosexual men in her life, and she doesn't need to start making this a bi-coastal thing. Plus, this gay in her life needed to have a confab so that particular dude, as lovely as he may have been, was unfortunately out of luck in this situation. I dragged her outside to the patio, and before I could have much of any sort of conversation with her Ricarod and Antonio came outside. That shut me up very quickly. My moment to rant and rave about the situation had now been replaced with a moment of meaningless chit chat as we stood outside. We are all talking, and talking, and talking, and then I feel a hand on my back. There were a lot of people at this bar who were taking a lot of liberties with their hands, and I figued that the hand was going to rest their for a moment and then go away. No. The hand stayed where it was, and started to rub my back. I quickly realized that it was Ricardo's hand that was on my back. Ok......from the moment that this was happening I knew that Antonio was not going to like it.

This went on for about the whole time that we were in the bar, and once we decided to leave we headed to the Abbey which was down the street. Ranise had to use the bathroom, and even though it was verging on closing time there was still forty-five minutes or so left on the clock. We went in there, and the four of us sort of dispersed in the crowd for a moment. When I finally found Ranise at the bathroom, she told me that her and Ricardo had been checking out guys, and while the one that they were looking at was cute, he was not the kind of guy that Ricardo would bring home to his mother. With a lead in like that it was Ranise's duty to ask what type of guy he would bring home to mom. What was his answer to this question? was me. He said Brian. Ricardo went into the bathroom, and Ranise related this tale to me, and honestly I didn't know what to make of it. Was it a figurative tale or did it actually mean something? I've come to realize that as soon as I learn that someone actually may reciprocate feelings for me it immediately fizzles. But that is for later in the story.

Ranise went into the bathroom, and I went back to sit with Antonio. We are sitting there in pseudo silence, and I'm detecting a bit of tension in the air. Keep in mind that I am very conflicted in this whole situation because I know how Antonio feels about Ricardo, and I am not looking to step on anyone's toes or anything. But at the same time it was Ricardo who was making the moves, albeit smal ones, but moves nonetheless on me. Out of the blue, Antonio whips his head around to me, looks me straight in the eye, and tells me that he is no longer attracted to Ricardo effectivley breaking the silence. Honestly, I didn't know how to react because I knew that this was coming from thee fact that he was picking up on whatever it was that was going on between me and Ricardo at the moment. This just made me feel worse about the whole thing, but I knew that I needed to probe further into that statement. These types of things do not just come out of nowhere. I mean honestly. According to Antonio the reason that he no longer was attracted to Ricardo was because he wasn't a good dancer. He saw the manner in which Ricardo danced, and all manner of attraction that Antonio had for him went out the window. Are you kidding me? I didn't believe him for a second. I mean I realize that to some people being a good dancer is a very attractive quality, but the lack of fantastic dancing skills is not a reason to cease an attraction that had been so strong previously.

I just told him not to be so hasty with decisions like that knowing that it was not only completely ridiculous, but also completely false. However, at that particular moment Ranise and Ricardo returned so the conversation was put aside. As soon as Ranise sat down she shooed me away to get her a drink as if I were her personal valet, and she sent Ricardo off with me, who immediatley put his hands on my waist. These are small things, but they are clear signals. Everything that was going on was like an elephant in the room. Ricardo was making these small moves on me, I was clearly not pushing him away, and Antonio was making proclomation of his lack of attraction towards Ricardo but no one was talking about what it is that was occuring. Isn't denial fun?

We left the bar, and went to eat at a diner and Antonio was more exuberant then usual. He was talking up the waitress and all the other patrons in the bar. Meanwhile, Ricardo was grabbing my leg under the table and sending me text messages that I looked hot. was so Dawson-Joey-Pacey, without the depth and complexity of the relationships.....I had alwas pictured myself as the Dawson type but in this particular case I was thrust into the role of Pacey. There are worse Creek characters to be, and honestly didn't everyone want it to be Pacey's Creek anyway.

We left the diner, Ricardo and Antonio dropped me and Ranise off, and they were on their way. Ricardo sent me a text message telling me to have sweet dreams, and I was officially smitten even though I was feeling enormous guilt over being smitten and had no idea what to do with the whole thing. The next day, Ricardo and I texted and talked on the phone, and that continued for a couple of days and then nothing. On that Monday, Antonio asked me point blank if I liked Ricardo, and unable to deny it everything was on the table. Antonio spun a tale that he was fine with the whole thing, and I did sort of believe him or it more became that I wanted to believe him. But later that night, Antonio, in what I'm convinced was partly to make sure I knew about the situation and partly to dissuade me from pursuing Ricardo, informed that Ricardo was one to date multiple guys. I can't say that I'm neccesarily against that, but it seems like the other guys aren't usually aware of the existence of the others and to me that is sort of shady. I can't say that my attration was gone from that moment, but as much as I get frustrated when storylines get abruptly dropped and are never talked about again on my soaps that is exactly what happened in this situation. After that Monday night, I literally dropped the whole Ricardo thing.

Only two days earlier I had had such hope for the situation, but I quickly realized that it was never going to come together in the way that I wanted it to so I basically just closed the book on the situation. As a bit of a side note, Ricardo and Antonio have gone on to have a very on again off again on again off again relationship that is in a constant state of flux and I have no idea where it stands. Antonio's feelings weren't so turned off, Ricardo clearly had stronger feelings for Antonio then anyone was able to see, and I was the smartest one of all for taking myself out of the situation. Pats on my back all around....

However, that is not the end of this tale. It is only the end of that chapter...because on Wednesday of that week I finally went on my date with Dave......


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