Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...

The fact that I am now putting this tale in my blog means that it is over and done with and nothing is going to happen with any of these guys in any way shape or form because if there was a chance for things to work out I wouldn't be eviscerating them in my blog. When I am in the throes of these stories I try to keep them out of the blog so that a guy that I may like doesn't stumble upon this, and read what I have to say about him. Granted, the chances of that happening are slim to none, but that slim leaves me a little nervous, and thus the stories stay out. Until now that is. Now that they have run their course, and if said individuals do stumble upon this blog then that is their problem.

The Tuesday before my birthday, I went to a gay mixer with Antonio and Ricardo. The name gay mixer sounds so odd. I don't even really know what it was for, but Antonio had asked me if I wanted to go and seeing as how my social calender isn't exactly busting at the seems these days I was more then happy to jump on that bandwagon. At first glance there really wasn't anyone there that I could forsee myself being interested in, but the evening went along, and I wound up meeting a guy named Dave. Antonio was telling some grandiose story, and being the smart ass that I can be at times I was making little side comments to myself and those within my earshot. Just to be clear, I wasn't making these side comments to be mean or some sort of bastard. I was just being humorous. I was not so much making fun of was more poking fun at him. It was all in good spirits. Regardless, Dave thought that I was very funny, and told me so. BTW for those of you out there, one of the surest way to get into my pants is to tell me that I am funny. I just love to hear that. You can tell me I'm funny and then immediately afterward call me hideous and the only thing I will remember is that you thought that I was funny. It is a quality I strive to have, and I think I do but when I get confirmation of it...well forget about. He wanted to give me his card, but he didn't have any on him, so instead I gave him my phone number. A good strategy if I say so myself....give the power to him. If this 35 year old man wanted to call me then I had no problem leaving all the power in his hands. Oh yeah...did I mention that he was 35 years old. Honestly, when I found that out I thought that he might be a little too old for me, but at the same time I too am getting older and I guess a ten year age difference isn't such a horrible thing, but it is my cut off. At least that is what I told myself.

To my shock, Dave actually did call me on Thursday night. That weekend happened to be my birthday weekend and Ranise was going to be in town, but I still had every intention of calling him back.

Some of you may have read some of the stuff that I posted about my birthday weekend, but there is definitley a subplot that I left out. I am not going to go into the whole birthday extravaganza again, but I will re-visit the parts that are relevant. Like I said earlier, Ricardo, Antonio, Ranise, and I had all gone out to dinner and then to a bar in which all sorts of unsavory fellows(with the exception of one or two) were thrust upon me. What I did not mention was that by the end of the evening I had a crush on Ricardo. I'm not sure where it came from, but all of a sudden it was there. Keep in mind, Antonio had made it very clear that he had feelings for Ricardo, and I think that Ricardo had feelings for him but I wasn't sure at the time. Ranise of course knew it right away, and I was already feeling gulity for having a crush on Ricardo when I knew that Antonio liked him. But it was there and there wasn't much that I could do about it except go on.

Saturday rolls around, and Ranise is hounding me to call Dave back. She kept going on about not putting all of my eggs in one basket. She was right of course, but at the time I didn't want to see any of it because I was fixated on Ricardo. That is where I had set my sights even though I had no reason to believe that there was any sort of reciprocity on his part. Ranise, however, did a good job of nagging me so ultimately I did call Dave and leave him a message before we all went out to the club that Antonio was running that evening. The club that Ricardo and I were forced to stand outside of because they would not let us in or even look at the list, and when we got to the front of the line they tried to charge us twenty dollars. If you want that whole tale, then you can go to the post about it, but what happened was that Ricardo, Ranise, Antonio, and myself wound up in the heart of West Hollywood at Mickey's.....and that is when things start to get interesting.


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