Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Friday, October 14, 2005

Tizzy Tuesday

By this point in the week I am basically exhausted. Not only have I been waking up every morning at 6am to go to Barry's, but I have been working during the day with Jason, running around during the remainder of the day with Ranise, and ususally staying up late. But this was Ranise's last night in town so that meant that we were going to go out on the town and do it up right. So for the first time since I have been going to bootcamp, I decided that I would not go the next day so that I could stay out later. Little did I know at the time how wise of a decision that that actually was.

Antonio, Ranise, and I went to dinner which was a fairly uneventful if not enjoyable way to share a meal, and then went to RAGE to see the DreamGirls Review, a drag show. The drag show actually was a good time, but there was this really weird guy there named Kyle, and at one point he latched himself onto our little group, sat down with us, was putting the moves on me, ordered himself another drink, went to go to the bathroom, and then never came back. On our way out of the bar I found him in the front of the establishment writing what appeared to be gibberish on napkins with two other men in the bar. He then insisted that I give him a tight hug before I left. We were going to leave, but then they started to play Since You Been Gone, and so I had to stay and bop to that because God knows I love me some Kelly Clarkson. I was going to say another goodbye to Kyle, but he was too involved in his gibberish. It was so weird. I say a lot of things are weird, but I don't say this lightly. This guy was weird, and involved in some weird shenanigns and the more that I think about it the more that I realize that it was quite the blessing that he decided to simply walk away from me.

The next stop on our tour was Beige.....this was supposedly a place that was a mixture of gays and straights, but to this observor all I saw were pairs of the man to man variety. At this point I had zero desire to be out anymore. I was a little bit drunk, and a lot exhausted and Ranise and Antonio were basically DRAGGING me out. All I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. After going straight for five days or so I had nothing left in me to give. But I was forced to tap into the reserves and go into this bar. Ranise decides that she is going to tell Antonio that she wants to have sex before she leaves LA. To anyone who may meet Antonio please heed the warning that I'm going to impart to you. If you ever say anything to him, make sure it is something that you really want to happen or something that you really want someone else to know becaue he will make your dream a reality. This boy doesn't mess around. He knows how to get things done.

The cell phone that he attaches to he has attached to his ear was whipped out and he proceeded to call his brother. Antonio calls many people his brother, but they aren't actually his brothers. They are just individuals that he feels he shares some sort of special connection with. He doesn't beat around any bushes either. He simply called this dude up, and told him that he had a friend who wanted to have sex before she left for LA. If someone called me and told me that they had a friend who wanted to have sex before they left LA, I would have to tell them that I couldn't help them out. I would not be having sex with some random person that my friend delivers to my door, but that is just me. And it's not like I don't hook up with random guys that I bring home from bars. But I digress. The "brother" told Antonio to bring her on over. Of course Ranise was mortified by this, and wanted no part of it, but at the same time a part of her did want a part of it. Where was I in this whole debacle? Sitting down trying not to fall asleep, and averting the eye contact of some drunk man who was clearly interested in something other then having a conversation with me.

Ranise goes to the bar, and this woman comes back from the bar with two drinks. Why she thought as I was sitting on the bench nearly passing out from exhaustion that I needed more alcohol I do not know, but since Antonio does not drink and was driving that meant that this drink had to be for me. I was less then interested in the drink, and even less interested in the guy who continued to make eye contact with me, but eventually I was standing next to Antonio and the guy was standing right next to me just staring. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I turned and introduced myself. At least it would get rid of the creepy glares that this dude was giving me.

That was an incorret assumption. The creepy glares continued, the only difference now was that they were accompanied by words. He liked Kelly Clarkson. That was a plus in his book, but for the most part I wasn't very interested in what he had to say to me. Mostly because he just kept repeating the fact that I was cute. I like to be told that I'm cute, don't get me wrong. But if that is the only thing that you have to say because you are so drunk that it is the only sentence that your brain is able to form then there is going to be a serious lack of interest on my part.

Since it was now 2am, and the bar was closing, I tried to slip away and just give the guy a hug and probably never see him again. Antonio thought that it would be a good idea to ask him for his numbers. Why? I clearly didn't wnat it. Plus, he was so drunk that he was never going to remember giving it to me anyway.

In the car, Antonio decides the he is going to drive us to his "brother's house". We arrive, and perhaps one of the hottest italian men I have ever seen steps out of the apartment building in nothing but a pair of shorts. I could literally see the pool of drool that was forming on my lap. The sheer beauty of this straight boy was out of control. There was conversation and a lot of heming and hawing on Ranise's part, but you know what? She got out of the car and went into his apartment with him. Which of course meant that Brian wasn't going to be going to bed anytime soon, and to be perfectly honest that was all that I was thinking about at the moment. I should have been thinking that I don't really know Antonio that well, and I certainly don't know this dude that she is going off with, but at the moment my brain was clouded. That is what happens when you keep me going at warp speed for five days straight. At the same time, if Ranise didn't want to get out of the car and have sex with this guy then I was more then willing to. Not that he would want to have sex with me, but yes he was that hot.

We drive home, and we are not home for more then ten minutes when Ranise calls for us to come and pick her up. Antonio offered to go and pick her up without me. I was in no position to drive, but I was also not drunk enough to let someone go driving in my car without me there. With my luck he would have gotten in some sort of accident, and then all sorts of complications would ensue. I seem to find the complications in every situation so any chance to avoid them is an opportunity that I jump at.

We pick her up, and Ranise is sufficiently vague about what happened and normally I would interrogate, but my drooping eyes was making my interest wane.

Finally we arrived home......and Ranise was drunk and loud and insanity ensued, but not notable insanity, and finally we went to bed......unfortunately I had Antonio and Ranise in the bed with me so restful was not the word I would use to describe that sleep. But slumber parties are fun! :)


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