Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

If I Could, I Would

I watch a lot of television, and if I could get a job in which I was paid to watch all the shows that are near and dear to my heart I would be happy as a clam. That is not possible at least at the moment, and that means that I must be productive a large portion of the day. That does not mean that I have any intention of cutting back on my television viewing. It just means that I have to work the television viewing around my scheduel rather then working my scheduel around the television viewing. Plus, it allows me to have a life which is a good thing. I heart television, but I need a life outside of it. If I couldn't be social I would go crazy. I like to be out and about with the peeps.

The invention of the Digital Video Recorder set me free. No more worrying about tapes or setting the VCR each day to record my programs. I could get a season pass to all of my shows and not have to worry about them. At the moment I have Direct TV with TIVO, which means I can record two things at once. Perfect for a TV addict like me who has multiple shows on at the same time. It doesn't so much help with the glut of programming schedueled for Thursdays at 8pm(The OC and Survivor will be fine-those are the two that I'm watching. Alias and Smallville are so going to suffer. I'm doing my best to make sure I get to see Alias every week too, but there is nothing I can do to see Smallville as much as it pains me. Fret not...I will catch Season 5 on least I won't have to wait for new episodes when I finally get to watch it.)

My Direct TV TIVO, however, apparently was the one in a thousand that didn't work properly. It has been malfunctioning since August. Every two weeks or so, I say or so because there isn't an exact science to any of this-it just sort of happens, the TIVO reciever loses the signal. Nothing is coming through and it can't record any of the schedueled programs. There is nothnig record. I hadn't missed any important shows or shows that I couldn't catch again, but that feared hovered over me. Everything went as planned this weekend. All of my Sunday night shows TIVOED...I watched them...all of my Monday night shows tivoed....great....then Tuesday morning rolled around. I turned on the television to find that the reciever had lost the signal. It was due to happen. God forbid the problem fix itself and go away. As usual I rebooted the TIVO, but this time I got a message. The damn thing must have thought it was being cute. Across the screen scrolled the words, INVALID ACCESS CARD. I made several phone calls trying to get this fixed and contain my rage. I was so sick of calling these people. SICK OF IT! Finally they realized it could not be fixed and they would have to replace it. HOORAY! One problem...all of the shows on it would be lost. That meant I had to catch up on everything yesterday.

This is not supposed to be a chore. I had to multi-task while I watched the shows, or at least some of them, so I could still be productive that day. Many resumes were sent out. Luckily, they were able to get someone out to my house today so I only went without a TIVO for a day or so. I watched Gilmore Girls last night and will catch Supernatural on the WB's SUnday Easyview. Gotta love Easyview.

Do I sound crazy? I really am not. I just really love my shows, and once I committ to them I hate missing an episode. That is why I love this tecnhnology because it allows me to not be shackled to the television. When it works that is. All seems to be well now. I have a new TIVO that hopefully won't drop the signal, and my social life shall continue to thrive. As much as it can in LA where I know few people. But that is a post for another day!

Until my next rant...which I believe is going to be about the Gilmore Girls.....


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