Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I have some funny friends....

Mind you I am paraphrasing a lot of this, and most of it is from memory so if anyone sees any flaws in any of this then please feel free to tell me and I will immediately put in a revision.

Selda: "We have these homeless men across the street, and it is like they just live there. I've told this to Sara. Our side of the street is definitley the nicer side of the street!"

Sara: "We've never had this conversation.

Cracked me up!

Maria Angela: "I don't do things with my in the name. No My Space, No My Friendster, No My Match."

Brian: "You just made that rule up.

-Maria Angela explaining why she would not join my space, and then erroneously attaching a my to any sort of online network of people.


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