Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Apparenty I Hooked Up with a Hustler-Epilogue

Apparently the happy little new age family that husband, wife, and gay man had created in my apartment complex wasn't so happy after all. You see gay man had been living with husband and wife for two months and hadn't paid them any money for rent or food or anything like that. When gay man finally wrote them a check it turned out that all the checks that he wrote to them bounced. Perhaps bounced is the wrong word. All of the checks that he was writing to them were from a fake bank account. It does not exist. Who does that? Apparently the same type of person who says that they lost their wallet, and then makes husband stay home for two days waiting for Fed Ex to send the wallet only to find out that the wallet was never lost, but instead locked in the glove compartment of gay man's car so that no one would knew that he had his wallet?

Who are these people? The California sun makes these people wacky. Gay man decided that it would be a wonderful idea to go into hiding because not only was he writing bad checks but he was also spreading lots of lies. When speaking to wife he would tell her that they should move away together and leave husband, and when speaking to husband he would tell him that he was in love with him and they should move away together and leave wife. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? I'm serious. This is the type of stuff that happens on Melrose Place, not in reality. I guess in LA Melrose Place is the reality.

Gay man is now in hiding and no one has seen or heard from him since all of this went down, but husband did inform me of something. All those dates that gay man was going out on apparently were not so much dates.....apparenty he was a hustler. Yes a male prostitute. I hooked up with a gay male prostitute. I suppose I should feel flatterd that he wanted to have sex with me in his time off rather then he was on the job. But's gross. Who knows where he has been? Of all people you would think that he would want to use protection? Hindsight is twenty/twenty, but luckily in this case I don't have to use any hindsight. Go with your gut people. It tends to steer you in the right direction.

Will I ever see gay man again? Who knows? Perhaps I will see him hooking or walking away with a customer? Once again I shudder, but it could have been worse.


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