Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I'm the only person who moves to Southern California who......

gets sick. I'm talking like in bed for four days, having a fever and unable to move sick. For four days. That was Tuesday to Friday. A week later I am still not feeling well, but I'm able to function. I'm no longer bed ridden which is a good thing, but there is something to be said for being able to lie in bed all day and not feel guilty about it. You can only do that when your sick...or at least I can only do that when I'm sick otherwise I feel very guilty...even if I have nothing to do I feel as if I should be doing something.

Today was unpaid internship fun fun...not. I wanted nothing more then to not go there today, but I realize that it is good for experience and in the long run it is going to help me so I make myself go there, mind you I'm not feeling one hundred percent but I'm well enough to get my ass out of bed and into the place.

I'm not there for thirty minutes when Meredith, one of the assistants, tells me that I sound and look horrible and that she wants to give me vitamins and send me home. Apparently my eyes were glassy. I wanted to pack up my stuff and run out of the door in that instance, but clearer heads prevailed and I realized that I should not jump on the offer. There was nothing really wrong with me, and there may come a time again when I'm actually sick or I don't want to come in for a professional or personal reason. I need to keep those skipping days for times when I'm actually going to need them. You would think that my assertion that I'm fine would be enough to let the subject lie. No no....she was adamant in the fact that I head home. She was convinced I had the ebuonic plague or something. She was also telling me that I might have a sinus infection because it has been so humid lately. Which leads me to another rant.....all of these people in LA complain about the humidity....all the time......and I'm left to ask the question what humidity? Seriously there is not an ounce of moisture in the air, but they run around fanning themselves as if they are walking through a sphere of humidity. They should spend a little time in NY in the middle of August then they certainly won't think that this is humid. There is no humidity matter what they tell you.

I finally got Meredith to agree that I would stay for at least half the day and see how things went. Truth be told as the morning went on I was feeling a bit run down, but it wasn't anything that required me to head home. I busied myself with various projects, and at about 1:45 I was going to head out and get lunch when Meredith suggested that I head home since it had been about half the day. I finally was able to put together why it was that she wanted me to go home so much....and it does make sense. One of the executives of the company just had a baby, and of course that means that her immune system is a bit compromised...if she gets a cold...then the baby gets a cold. Why didn't you just say that from the beginning? That would have made A LOT of sense, and I could have been out of there from like 10am. What is the lesson that we have learned here? Say what you mean bitches...say what you mean.


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