Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Robin Scorpio is returning to Port Charles!?!?!?!?!?!

Today on the ABC Special: Soapnet Reveals All or something like that they revealed secrets about fall storylines on the ABC shows. I follow and was of course very interested in the things that they had to say about AMC and OLTL(Why is John going to jail? That one certainly intrigued me!), but my show has been and always will be General Hospital. I tune into AMC and OLTL whenever I can, but General Hospital is the show that I never miss. I haven't missed it since the summer of 1997 when I got sucked into it by my friend Melissa.

I have so many things to say about General Hospital that I don't even know where to begin. My life's goal is to write for a soap opera...perhaps someday create my own.....but for now I have to settle for ranting and raving about my favorite soap. I know that a lot of people criticize just to criticize but the things that I say are only for the love of the show, and I'm the first one to defend things when they it is worth defending.

I guess the best place to start is with Robin. As far as I knew Kimberly McCullogh didn't seem to ever want to come back and make a permanent stay at General Hospital, but for one reason or another she is going to be coming back. I have to admit that I never loved Robin. I know that she is wildly popular, but she never quite popped with me and neither did her and Jason. I just never bought it. But her return does make sense. Jason is about to lose his memory, and when he finds out that he is a hitman for Sonny he is going to have no desire to go back to that life. Now for this reason i find it very interesting. I love when Sonny and Jason are at odds with one another. Sonny is perhaps my least favorite character, and apparently everyone else's favorite character. Maurice Bernard is an excellent actor, but I find the character so damn infuriating that I want to throw things at the when anyone is at odds with him I love it.

Where was I going with all of this? Ah yes.......Jason and Sam work so well together. The actors have undeniable chemistry, and Sam accepts Jason exactly for who he is, something that Robin could never do. They broke up because she couldn't handle his lifestyle....oh really? Of course now that he wants nothing to do with that lifestyle Robin is going to be sniffing around and seeing this different Jason. If this hizo comes between Jason and Sam I'm not going to be happy. My poor Sam has had enough heartache in her life. Give the girl a break. Robin better step! on to Jennifer Bransford. Let me start out by saying that the woman is clearly a talented actress...I would never take that away from her, but the problem is I don't think that she is right for the role of Carly. Tamara Braun brought Carly to a new level....she was still impetuous and crazy with wild schemes, but she had matured as well. Carly had lost that selfishness that she had once a degree...because of her children. There was a warmth and maturity to her that co-existed with just enough of a glimmer of the selfish self-destructive schemer she once was so that the character remained true to its roots. Then Jennifer Bransford walked into the role, and everything that Tamara Braun did with the character was thrown out the window. She became a child essentially....she was the Carly of Sarah Brown days which was a step backward Carly should not have taken. And then JB started to grow on me a little bit, but then they started this whole breakdown storyline with Carly losing everything and JB just doesn't elicit sympathy for me. I don't think that she is right for this role as talented as she is, and I think that this story would be competey different if Tamara Braun were still on the show, but alas.

Finally...Lucas is going to be gay! YAY! They better not make him Brook and Maxie's stalker too. How about have his only secret be he is gay! Give Bobbie and Tony some screen time. Have them react! Let's see what Luke thinks of this...perhaps Lucas turns to his cousin Lucky...or reaches out to Carly at a time when they are both confused on the edge of something. Give him a romance! Have Georgies freak out about it(she once had a big crush on Lucas!)causing problems with her and Dillon! GIVE HIM A ROMANCE, and make it someone with ties to someone else in Port Charles so they have a reason to stick around!

That was my General Hospital rant.


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