Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Thursday, August 25, 2005

What A Difference 20 Seconds Makes......

Twenty seconds does not seem like a lot of time....neither does fifteen or ten seconds. The simple fact is that they barely register on the radar of our time clock, and yet there are times when they can make all the difference in the world. Take my latest run to Starbucks for instance.....

Armed with the Endgame Entertainment Buisness American Express card I was sent on a that I did not realize was going to be difficult, much like the hobbits didn't realize that they were going to go gay on their journey(I mean come on....Sam and Frodo in that third movie were homo-erotic to hizouse......they need to just make out already...they were already having some hardcore eye sex)........I arrive at Starbucks, and am standing in line as people order their mocha light no whip grande frappucino, and their iced unsweetened venti green tea with a hazelnut shot.....and then came the grandmaster of all orders.

This man clad in a polo shirt, denim, and backwards hats whips out a piece of paper from his backpocket. Unfolding it in front of me I felt a wave of horror as I saw at least twenty names on the list and many words after them leading me to believe that this was not an easy starbucks crowd that he was ordering for. The next twenty minutes were a blur even for me as he spout off names and drinks and the girls behind the counter ran around like chicken with their heads cut off making every variety of frappucino, mocachino, espresso, and on and on and on. Even when i was able to order my grande vanilla latte I still had to wait ten minutes because the spinning continued as they tried to finish all the orders now that he had finally finished making them.

Half an hour later I was back at my office....the president of the company had been waiting for his latte....and I was sweaty. What is the lesson that I've learned from all of this? Never waste those twenty seconds...don't bend down to pick up that quarter, don't turn around because you think you hear your name, don't stop to gaze at the beautiful man that just walked past you....well let's not get crazy. Stop and gaze at the beautiful man.


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