Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I Know Nothing About Guitars.....

The BPOD....correction....BPOD II(the first one was stolen by my movers who claimed that they had nothing to do with it going missing. It's a story for another day, but needless to say there wasn't any doubt about who took it and at this very moment I hope that they are enjoying all the Hilary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, and Lindsay Lohan that they can get!) I was saying....BPOD II and I were listenting to RENT as I walked up and down Santa Monica Boulevard running some errands.

Mimi says to Roger: "I heard you sold your guitar, and bought a car"

Could you really buy a car on the money that you make from a guitar? It doesn't seem like the two would be comparable. What kind of car would he even be able to get? He needed one that could drive across the country-he was moving to San Jose-I can't imagine what he got was top of the line or even from any sort of dealership....with the proceeds from a guitar it was probably a sale by owner. That shizzle is going to break down. And what kind of shape was his guitar in? They didn't exactly live in the most stable conditions. I'm just saying that it doesn't seem very probable that Roger got a car with the proceeds of the sale of his guitar, and if he did well then I worry about him getting safely to San Jose. Just a thought.....


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