Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Things That Are Unfortunate But True Part 3

6. I had written a very very witty little opening paragraph to this third in my series of true but unfortunate facts posts, and then I went back to one of my old posts to check what number in the series I was on, and I lost the post that I was working on. The fool that I am did not save it. Now that really is unfortunate, but true.

7. I wanted to bitch about my unpaid job, but I actually had a really busy and productive day today that was fill of laughter and interest so I'm not going to jinx the good times by saying negative things. Keeping the negativity out of the air. Well at least trying to.

8. I don't really think that this one is so much unfortunate, but it is definitely true. Peter Skarsgard has been showing up in movies left and right as of late...well he was in The Skeleton Key which I recently saw in the theaters, and Kinsey which I recently watched after recieving from Netflix......that is only the intro. I am intensely attracted to the man. I don't know what it is. I can't pinpoint it. But I love me some Peter Skarsgard....I may be incorrect in this statement but I believe that he is going to be in the new Jodie Foster movie, Flight Plan....yeah I'll be seeing that one! :)

9. These people had the nerve to do it not once, but twice. Those hizoes in the "fiendship" as Marcellas called it nominated Janelle and Kaysar against one another. TWICE! Yes I am talking about Big Brother 6!!!!!! The damn fiendship managed to get Kaysar out of the putting him up against Janelle insuring my pair wouldn't make it to the end. Then America said no to the fiendship by voting Kaysar back in in America's Choice....overwhelmingly. That's Cappy for you! Then Kaysar lets Jennifer have the HOH, against the wise words of Janelle and Rachel, and that hizo breaks her word by first putting up two of Kaysar's peeps instead of two of her peeps and then when it comes time to backdoor James what does she do? She backdoors KAYSAR...which once again pits him against his greatest ally, Janelle! Those were my final two! Damn Jennifer!(But not one needs to be going to hell over bb6!) Of course Kaysar gets voted out and it is a damn travesty, but guess what? Payback is a BIATCH! My girl Janelle STEPPED IT UP and won HOH! YAY! Putting up Jennifer and Maggie in the double eviction week....and yes Jennifer walked out that door. Yeah it was an eviction based on emotion rather than strategy, but Jen was being shizady and she needed to go. She broke a big deal with Kaysar and he was just being nice. You know what else? The fiendship runs around saying that Janelle is a liar, but she may not have been nice to everyone at all times, but that girl has not lied. She is LOYAL! Week two she joined up with Kaysar and Michael and guess who she stayed true to till the end......KAYSAR! And once Howie and Rachel came onto her alliance...she stayed true to them as well! Yes she may have turned on James and Sarah, but they had been betraying the alliance by making shady deals so it was more a reaction then anything else. Whoa...that was my BB rant! But I must say this...GO JANELLE! :)


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