Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, September 05, 2005

Damn Direct TV....yes I said damn it.

Soooo....after having Direct TV come and fix my TIVo which had been dropping the satellite signal every three days or so I had believed that it had been fixed and that I could now rest assured that I wasn't going to go out one night and return to find the signal had been lost during an episode of Lost. That would not be a pretty picture. Let me telll you.

Well guess what? Last night the damn TIVO/Direct TV thing still is dropping the satellite signal. This is not acceptable. Once again I have to call this company and have them send someone to come and take a look at it. gRRRRR....and I know that it is someething weird with my box because the direct tv box in the living room is not dropping any signa! Enough is enough! These people need to come and fix this problem once and for all. I'm sick of calling them for this. This is a bunch of damn malarky. That is what it is.

They are getting yet another phone call from me tomorrow. You would think that they would perhaps replace the box, an idea that i loathe because I have to re-set everything but its better then missing one of my shows, instead of putting in new wires or whatever it is that they are doing.

Let's all hope that this is the last time that this must be dealt with. If this happens again I wouldn't want to be around me, and I am me. Everyone take a deep breath, say a little prayer, and hope that this is going to be the last issue that I have with Direct TV. Oh how I miss digital cable!


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