Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's Not That I Want Him to Call

Many posts ago I talked about the very weird forty year old named John who I brought home with me after a drunken evening(more for him then me, but I was sufficienty intoxicated as well) at Fiesta. Let me preface this by saying that I have no real interest in this man, and I'm not sitting at home waiting for him to call me. As a matter of fact I am perfectly fine with the idea that he is never going to call me. I did not waste a moment of sleep on this, but the fact does remain......

That he said over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over how much he liked me. The man would not shutup about it. He just kept talking about it and talking about it and talking about our second date and our third date. I was like reign it in there killer, but he could not get enough of it. He even made a point of getting my phone number so that he could call me.

Did he call me? Of course not. I don't understand why men tell you how much they like you and how much they want to see you again, and then make a point of getting your phone number only to never use it. You never hear from them again. The show of how much you like me is really is. With our without the show I don't want you to call me, but what I want even less is for you to sit there and lie to me. Does that sound appealing to anyone?

So no I don't want John to call me, but I also don't want John to tell me how wonderful I am and how much he likes me and take my phone number and tell me he is going to call me and then have him never call. So listen out there men who are taking phone numbers...don't tell people what you think that they want to hear. If you want to and intend on calling someone then yes by all means take their number. If you just want to makeout with them/have sex/run around the streets drunk then just let that be what it is...don' talk about liking them...don't ask for their number.

Games are bad people. Everyone repeat after me: GAMES ARE BAD!



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