Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Apparently I hooked up with a hustler!

Let me start off by saying that the hook-up was very innocent. We didn't have sex of any variety, there were no fluids(other then saliva-wow that was some intimate detail right there!) exchanged, and at the time of the hook up I had no idea that he was a hustler nor did I have any reason to believe that he was one.

This is actually quite the story that I'm going to tell so I'm going to go all the way back to the beginning, and I may even go beyond the hooking up with a hustler to the other parts of this story. I shall keep certain details masked in the shadows so as not to give away who it is that I'm talking about. I don't want anyone coming after me or anything, but I think that those of you who are reading these posts will appreciate the story as one of the many ridiculous situations that I seem to find myself in time and time again.

Moving to Los Angeles was no easy feat for me, and yet here I am. The first couple of days were quite the adjustment for me because not only was I in a new city in an empty apartment that didn't have cable yet, but I was there alone because my roommates were on the last leg of their cross country road trip to get to LA, and would not be there until the end of the week. Luckily, Emma and Evan had been there for a while so it was not as if I was going to be left wandering the streets of Los Angeles alone and desperate for some human contact. As it turns out I wasn't going to be wandering the cruel streets of the land where the sun never goes away. On my way out of my apartment to go and meet Emma and Evan for dinner I came face to face with my neighbors. I'm not going to give them any other names then married couple and gay man. When referring to the married couple indvidually I will use the terms husband and wife. There were other neighbors in the mix, but for the most part they are inconsequential to the story, but if the need arises to distinguish one of these additional neighbors from the pack then I will name them accordingly. You see the married couple lives with gay man in a two bedroom apartment. Granted I live with a couple in my two bedroom apartment, but it is different because we are in our early twenties(fine twenty-five is like less then a month away and then I'll be at the mid-way point but until then I'm in my early twenties), and are still sort of figuring ourselves out. We're still in the live with friends stage of our life. These three are in their late thirties, and don't seem to have much direction in their life. They looooooooooooooooooooooove to party. I mean these people are hardcore. They spend most of the night partying. I'm talking every night until the sun comes up practically doing any manner of drugs and alcohol. Obviously they don't have jobs, and I have no idea what they do for money. That's not a questions that is appropriate to ask people. But I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. Husband and wife are married, but they don't really seem to have much interest in one another. Frankly, I thought husband was gay when I first met him and I continue that assertion now.(As a side note, husband is a really nice guy and emerges as the true sympathetic hero in this story). Wife likes to spend most of her time at gay bars making out with gay men, and husband goes to the gay bars as well. He seems to love them just as much as wife, but he never hangs out with his wife at the gay bars. They are both there but rarely are they there together. Usually wife is with gay man.

One would think that gay man and the married couple had known each other forever. Keep in mind that I met them in the middle of July. Very important. The middle of July. Husband and wife only met gay man at cinco de mayo. They all started partying together, and since they were having such a good time they thought it would be a great idea if gay man moved in with them. What? I later found out that husband didn't so much think it was a great idea, but wife and gay man loved it. You might be asking yourself where gay man was living before all of this? He had a place and a roommate, and decided to tell his roommate, whom he once described as his best friend, that he was going out of town for a month when he was actually moving in with husband and wife. Not only is that weird, but it is also a terrible way to treat a roommate, let alone someone you describe as your best friend. If he lies with such abandon to his best friend, then what must he be telling be that he barely know or doesn't even like at all?

I met them all and then went to have dinner with Emma and Evan and when I returned they beckoned me up to their apartment to have a drink which of course I did because I went from being a super social person who wouldn't come home till 2am most nights to being someone that knew two people and was going to be in bed by 11:30pm. Having a drink with the neighbors seemed like a great idea. One drink turned into two or three or four....I can't remember exactly how many, and of course they offered me illegal drugs which I politely declined. It was very nice that they wanted to share with me, but I don't know these people or what they are doing with these drugs. Honestly, I don't think I watched them prepare any of my drinks. Foolish mistake number one right there. That all turned out fine, but I'm pretty confident in saying that it's not the best idea to do illegal drugs with people you barely know, let alone trust, not knowing where they got them or knowing anyone in any sort of general vicinity that can come for you in case things took a turn for the worse. I wanted to keep a modicum of sanity about me.

To Be Continued.........


  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger Patricia Hannigan said…

    Hi Brian:

    I can't wait for part two.

    That married couple and gay man sound quite wild. Sometimes I wish a gay man could live with me and my husband. I think every desperate housewife does at one time or another. But we're not very wild at all. Oh well.

    Keep up the good work with your blog and novel good luck finding a lucrative writing gig.


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