Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I am sitting here wanting nothing more then to go home. It is not fun having to take an unpaid job in order to get experience in a production company. It is even less fun when they really have nothing for you to do. Sure I answer the occasional phone and copy a script every now and then, but for the most part I don't do anything but surf the internet, chat on the instant messenger, and check my email-constantly....on Tuesdays at least. On Thursdays I usually don't have access to a computer, which is not cute because then I have to come up with ways to entertain myself until 7pm.....let's be honest though, I never actually stay til 7pm because this is an unpaid internship and once 5:30 or 6 rolls around I can no longer take the mind numbing boredom and find some way to get out of here.

Yes, there are worse places that I could be, but being a decent place doing nothing does not make the boredom any less mind-numbing. That is just an FYI for ya. I'm learning something here, though. I'm learning that I'm not the 9 to 5 work in an office type. The wheeling and the dealing of bringing television and movies to life is not a stress that I want in my life. I want to be a writer...this much we all know....but I need to make that happen stat. I can handle the stress of writing and deadlines because that is what I'm good at and that is what I know, but this nonsense of figuring out which phone calls to put through to people and essentially needing to be telepathic to please whomever I am assisting is not a fun job for me. I get nervous, and I'm of course able to mask that but I don't like being nervous all the time. This is all the more motivation to make me write, and get myself successful. Right now, I have decided to concentrate on a novel that I had written an outline for. Of course the main character is a twenty-something gay man...I love making my main characters twenty-something gay men or in the closet seniors in high school....I must just relate so well to these character embodiments.

Thus far I'm liking the progress the novel is taking. No one has read it as of yet, but I am going to wait until it is a little further along before I start soliciting outside opinions. At least the first draft of it must be done, and I only want certain people to read it. You know there are those friends who will tell you that it is great whether it actually is or not. It is a lovely gesture, and well intentioned, but I need some criticism of the constructive variety, and I know just the people to get it from. You may not know who you are, but you will once you get an email from me that says please read my novel and tell me if it is dretch or not!

So I had to take a break from writing the post because there was a bit of excitement going on in the office, and when I say excitement I mean a complete and utter pain in my ass. I shall change the names to protect the innocent. They aren't actually innocent I just don't want someone to stumble upon this blog and find out the trash that I am talking. An unidentified woman called looking for the bigwig of the company who happens to be out of town, I tried to take a message but she just wanted to keep asking me questions about where he was and what he was doing. Lady...he can be reached. I will give his assistant the number. Calm yourself. She then got all agitated when I wouldn't give her his direct line. I don't give things like that out. I have no idea if people want that out there, and I'm not going to have that on my head. She let out a deep sigh when I refused to give out his direct line, obviously to show her frustration with me, but deep sighs are not going to affect me especially since all I have to do is hang up the telephone when the conversation is over.


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