Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Gilmore Girls-Season Premiere

I'm going to be disucssing the season premiere of Gilmore Girls at length in the following post so in case someone has not yet watched it, and does not want to have it ruined I suggest you make a u-turn right now and proceed to one of the many other interesting and entertaining entries I have below.

This show makes me smile. Plain and simple. A lot of shows are about the gimmick, the premise, the plot. Not this show. This one is about the characters. I would be satisfied to just watch these people interact for an hour, but that is not the case with everyone and thus compelling storylines must be brought to life, and riding on the momentum of the SPECTACULAR fifth season, the sixth season premiere did not disappoint at all! Of course Luke said yes to Lorelai's proposal. Did anyone think that the answers was going to be anything but yes? Maybe there were times when we though Lorelai was just in this for the in the moment thrill of being with Luke, but that was never the case with Luke. The man is head over heels for this woman, and he has been since the show started. Often when characters like this are put together it can not only ruin the chemistry between the characters, but it can throw the entire show off balance. That was soooooooooooo not the case with these two. Their chemistry is as sizzling as ever, and frankly their coupling made the show that much better.

I'm eager to see how this engangement plays out over the course of the season, and I would guess that at some point it's going to be broken, but ultimately I would imagine that these two will end up together. I know there are some diehard Lorelai and Christopher fans out there, and I don't deny that they have a chemistry, but as much as I love and adore David Sutcliffe(I soooooooooooo have a celebrity crush on him), my personal preference is for Luke and Lorelai to make it work. That's not to say I wouldn't mind seeing Loreali conflicted about who she should end up with, and even have Christopher stick around after Lorelai chooses Luke. One final note, well major note at least, on the proposal and engangement. I thought that they handled the fact that Lorealia proposed to Luke so well. It didn't even matter to him that she was the one who, metaphorically at least, got down on one knee. It didn't bother him that is until everyone in town begin to snicker at the notion. But instead of having it play out to be this complex emotional macho issue for him, they played it for the laughs. He got a ring, and still had his moment to shine, but it didn't create some sort of rift. They could have went there, and I'm so glad that they did not because with everything that is going on that is the last thing that they need to be focusing on. Now to have Taylor or Miss Patty mention it every now and then to ruffle Luke's feathers....that I'm ok with!

Rory aggrevates me to no end. First of all just because Logan's dad doesn't think that she can make it as a reporter doesn't mean that it is the end of her career. This is the opinion of ONE MAN! GET A GRIP! People are going to give you negative feedback. Just because one person says that you cannot do something does not mean that you give up on your dream. It also doesn't give you an excuse to go nuts, steal a yacht for a joyride, and then decide that you are going to drop out of Yale. Even if you think you should give up journalisim, that doesn't mean you can't oh...I don't know...pick another MAJOR! All of that being said I like the conflict that this is creating amongst the Gilmore. Emily and Richard finally have a chance to sink their teeth into Rory, and Rory committed the ultimate act of betrayal by running to her grandparents instead of her mother. I must say that Rory is being ridiculous about the whole thing. First of all she has her grandparents tell her mother that she is going to be staying with them because she is too cowardly to do it. She then proceeds to not even attempt to contact her mother, and act as if nothing is really that off between them. basically put a knife in your mother's back, you need to own up to it. She walks around the whole episode as if her mother is not even on her mind. There is a brief moment in the courtroom when she wonders where she is, but it was too littel too late for me. I'm glad the judge put her in her place and gave her 300 hours of community service to be done over 6's only like five hours a day...get a grip Rory, Emily, and Richard.

Lorelai on the other hand acknowledged that she needed to not think about what was going on. It was hard to watch her walk around angry and acting as if she gave up on her daughter, but her reasons made sense. She had to let Rory make her own choices. As much as everyone in that town seems to think that Rory is still a child, she is almost 21 years old and Lorelai can't bail her out of every jam that she finds herself in. That being said, after Lorelai had brought all of Rory's things over to Emily and Richard's, it was good to see her breakdown in Rory's room. Not good in the sense of I enjoyed her pain, but I was glad to see her acknowledge the loss she had experienced. This mother and daughter were best friends, rarely at odds, and now they weren't even speaking. She had put on a facade for so long, and she coudn't hold it any longer. My sympathies definitely lie with Lorelai here.

I can't wait for next week's episode. It looks like a doozy. Lots of fighting between Lorelai and Rory with Luke stuck in the middle! OH MY!


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