Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The 3 Day Rule

My encounter this weekend has left me thinking about a lot of the foibbles that I have, and a lot of the games that are involved with meeting people that are complete and utter nonsense. Dating sucks. Is there any other way to put it? The whole awkward getting to know you and getting to know what the other person wants phase is something that I have no interest in participting in. All it does is give me agita. Let me tell you something: there is rarely an instance when I'm on the same page as someone. I mean I could make a career out of misreading signals. When I think someone likes me is the exact time that they don't like me. Or they do like me and they are just afraid of the wonderful human being that I am. Yes. I think that that is it. They are afraid of the wonder that I could bring into their life. hahahahaha. I just want to skip to the comfortable part of the relationship.

This brings me to a very specific game in the world of dating that I loathe and detest. I'm not kidding I cannot stand this rule. It is so stupid, and it cripples people. Are you thinking to yourself that I'm being dramatic? Does it really cripple people? Yes it cripples people. It keeps you caught in this loop of playing these mind games with people just so you can keep the upper hand, and as I speak these words or write them rather I realize that I have not clued you all in to what it is that I'm talking about. The 3 day rule. Why must people wait three days to call one another? It doesn't make any sense. Someone picked this arbitrary frame of time at some point in the anals of dating history, and now we are all stuck in this loop of forever waiting three days for someone to call without knowing if they don't like us or they do like us and are scared of breaking the rule or they do like us and feel the need to play games. I like board games, I like video games, I DO NOT like dating games.

Let me use this weekend as an example. Ivor said to me that he felt as if their was a vibe going on between us and he wanted to get my phone number. Wonderful! Great! Here is my phone number. This leads me to yet another issue that I have. I hate when people ask for your phone number, and then never use it. Well then why the hell are you asking for it and putting it in your phone? I'm going to finish my story before I continue ranting. I gave Ivor my phone number, but I told him only to take it if he really wanted to call me because quite frankly I am sick of giving people my phone number and then having them never call. It is maddening. He asked me when I could call him, and I responded with whenever he wanted. He could call me the next day if he wanted. If two people like one another then calling the next day is not scary. What's the problem if it is mutual? His thoughts, however, were that he had to wait three days to call. Are you kidding me? He not only plays the game, but he fully admits to playing the game. At least pretend that you don't.

Obviously this is partly about this weekend, but it is larger then that. More important then my encounter this weekend is the larger issues that came to mind from my encounter with Ivor that infuriate me about dating. You don't need to wait three days to call me, don't ask for my phone number if you don't really want it. Oh you know what another one of my favorites is? These guys will also give you their phone number, and on the off chance they pick up when you call they are clearly aggrevated that you have actually dialed their phone number. Pardon me. What a lunatic I am. Actually calling someone who told me to call them? Some people need to get over themselves.

You know what. I'm not going to feel bad or embarassed about any of this nonsense anymore. I'm not a crazy person. I'm a good guy and if I like you there is no reason that I shouldn't let you know that. I'm not going to play the dating games anymore. I'm so retired from that. If all you cute boys out there want to play these games then I suggest that you steer clear of me. I'm just going to be as real and honest as I can possibly be. If it can save us all a little bit of the aggrevation that we encounter each day then I think that it is worth it.


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