Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The OC Thus Far....

Yes, it has only been two episodes since we have returned to the exploits of our favorite Newport Residents. So far I think that we are off to a good start, and I like the direction the storylines seem to be going in, but let's step out of vague land and walk right into specificville.

Of course, I must step right into Seth and Summer because they are my favorites and must be addressed right away. Thus far they have been there more as supporting players in Ryan and Marissa's troubles, and although at some point they must get a story of their own I am enjoying the fact that they are solid as a couple. Essentially all they have done in their two years of romantic adventures is fight-whether it be for each other or against each other. A little bit of happy coupledom is not a bad thing-it's when it becomes perpetual. Plus, there is a lot of potential for Summer and her new rival, Taylor. Summer must defend Coop's honor now that she has been expelled(more on that later). The bitch that we all know and love in Summer is going to come out, and while the OC hasn't had much luck in the way of new characters I think if handled properly this Taylor girl could be an interesting addition as a foil to Summer. But I do have to say that I don't see Taylor being a long term character. At most she should show up sporadically through the year as different school events come up. I'm not adverse to new characters joining the fold full force, but this is not the character for that.

Having Jimmy Cooper back is a doubled edged sword. I love me some Jimmy Cooper on the show, but I don't love me that Jimmy Cooper is yet again involved in criminal activies causing him massive money troubles causing him to have to lie to Julie again. I never thought that Julie and Jimmy Cooper would have rooting value, but he gives Julie that humanity that she so desperately needs to remain a viable character. What else does he do? Screw her over time and time again. Now he owes some shady character money, and Julie has no idea that he's in any trouble and thinks that he is loaded. Did he learn nothing from their last divorce? Julie is money hungry. God knows that this this is true, but I also think that she really does love Jimmy and perhaps if he was honest with her the fallout would be far less harsh. But this is television and we need harsh fall out. I just wish that they weren't trying to do the same exact thing to Jimmy, and by extension Julie, and attempting to make it look as if it is a differet story. He owns a loan shark money, he stole money from clients. Different route, but same road. Come up with something new. And what was with Jimmy spending all that money and then asking Julie to marry him? The man has issues. I thought that he worked through all this, but apparently not. Why don't you wait until you've gotten the thugs off of your back before you start making marriage proposals. And do these two morons really think that Caleb left Julie anything. He was planning to divorce her. I imagine he got around to changing his will. I'm sure that there is going to be some sort of twist coming, but I know that Caleb isn't going to be handing money to Julie Cooper on silver platter. I doubt that he would even give her the silver platter.

Kirsten has always been one of my favorite characters. The adult characters are just as interesting as the younger characters and that is what is so great about this show. Honestly, did anyone really care about Jim and Cindy Walsh? or Mel Silver? No. Those characters were just hating parents. Jim and Cindy were given more to do then the other parents, but they still weren't likeable. And they never got their own storylines. Kirsten, Sandy, Julie, Jimmy....even Caleb....they all have things going on that doesn't involve their kids as well as intersecting with their kids. This is the way to do a teen drama. I can understand that Kirsten is afraid to leave rehab, but why does she want to go to this cabin with this clearly co-dependent woman. She was trying to put on a front for Kirsten, but our girl should have seen through it. Now not only is she creepy, but she is straight up nefarious. After guilting Kirsten into not leaving, she took out her hidden flask and took a swig. Is she even an addict? Why was she in that rehab place? What is her deal? I hope we don't have some sort of lesbian storyline going on because that is so last season. Perhaps a Singe White Female vibe? But why? I imagine that Charlotte has some sort of connection to Kiki that goes beyond rehab, but I have yet to be able to figure anything out. I'm curious. I hope that they have something good in store for us. You know that you can always count on Sandy Cohen, though. He was suspicious of this woman from moment one. He knows there is something sketchy about this whole cabin in the woods scenario. His fears have been quelled for the moment, but this is his wife so his radar isn't going to go off completely. I feel a Sandy coming to the rescue moment on the horizon.

Should Marissa be shooting people? Of course not. Should she have let Trey bash Ryan's head in? Of course not. What is with all of these people that are coming after Ryan and Marissa? It is not as if Marissa is some sort of gun toting psychopath........she saw someone she loves about to be killed(and yes bashing Ryan's head in with a phone would have probably killed him) by the guy who tried to rape her. He may be Ryan's brother, but he is not a very good guy. I imagine anyone would have done the same thing in the situation. The legality of all it was wrapped up pretty quickly. Trey woke up. Everything worked out(with a speed bump or two) and no legal ramifications were imposed. Trey left town which I have mixed feelings about. I'm not sure what they could have done with him so I see why they had him pack up and leave, but he was one of the only newer characters on this show that worked and was able to find his place within the cast. In that regards it's too bad he had to go, but maybe he can come back at some point. Al that being said I am ever so happy that he didn't die. I'm not sure the Ryan/Marissa coupling could have handled the death of Ryan's brother at Marissa's hands. That's a wee bit too complicated even for these tortured lovers.

Ryan and Marissa are probably my least favorite characters, but they are starting off strong this season and so much went on with them that I need a second paragraph. The parents at Harbor want Ryan and and Marissa out of the school. I understand that they don't want their children to be around violent criminals, but Ryan and Marissa aren't violent criminals. Marissa is not walking around with a gun. Ryan didn't get the gun. It was Trey's gun. He was going to kill Ryan. Marissa had to do something. Why don't these parents understand that? I do understand that the school board had to address the issue. I loved that the principal saw the situation for what it is and would have let both Ryan and Marissa stay if it were up to her. Unfortunately the school board hired a new dean of discipline for the school. He may be the devil incarnate. Seriously. The guy has it out for both of them for no good reason. The board decided to expel Marissa, but not Ryan. I don't agree with Marissa being expelled, but it would have been even more appalling if Ryan had been given the boot since he was the one who was almost killed. Ryan and Marissa tried to reason with the dean but he made it very clear that he had it out for them and he was going to do everything in his power to get Ryan expelled. This guy needs a life. Is it that he has never had sex? I think that that might be it.

As a result of Marissa's expulsion the Summer/Taylor feud begun, and they were struggling for control of the kickoff carnival. Ryan and Marissa wound up coming to the carnival, and that little bitch Taylor called the dean(I can't rememeber his name-Eric Mabius plays him), and this guy basically went crazy and DEMANDED that Marissa leave. Ryan of course had to get volatile even when Marissa was attempting to leave. That damn dean grabbed Marissa-hard. It looked like it hurt. Who does this guy think that he is? I saw evil in his eyes when he pulled that little stunt. They need to reign this guy in or he is just going to become a caricature. What is the motivation behind all of this? Give us something! Of course Ryan punched him and he got himself expelled which led to perhaps one of the best shots on the OC ever.....Seth and Summer on the ferris wheel watching everything unfold, cutting to the dean with Taylor standing beside him with her arms folded, the both of them smoldering with delight, and then Ryan and Marissa behind a chainlink fence his arm wrapped around hers. Both of their outfits had a rough and tumble look about them. They looked so tough and so united. I found myself rooting for Ryan and Marissa. Shocking!

Some good stuff has been set up, and so let's hope that they can roll with the momentum. The second season was a tad disappointing, but the third season looks like it has the makings to be Must See TV. Of course I'll be watching and reporting my thoughts!


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