Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

How often do I give a movie two thumbs down?

I'm not exactly known for my discerning taste when it comes to movies. I will see just about anything. Hell I even enjoyed Gigli. Yes, I did and I will stand by that. I have no allusions that it was a masterpiece of cinematic beauty, but I enjoyed it for the bad movie that it was. I make no apologies for this. If you have seen my DVD collection you will realize that I like what I choose to like and I rarely let the opinions of others sway me. I don't buy into movie reviews. I read them, and take them for what they are, but I don't let them influence me either way because I think that we all need to make our own choices in regards to what we value as entertainment since my opinion tends to vary from going along party lines to be a crazy off the wall kook!

This brings me to A History of Violence. It had an excellent trailer. Very intriguing. The moment that I saw the trailer I wanted to see this movie. I hadn't read any reviews for the movie, but from what I heard it was one of the best reviewed movies of the year. The critics were apparently loving it! LOVING IT! Good for them, but I still wanted to make my own opinion.

What was my opinion of this movie? It was not good, I will tell you that. The movie was a complete and utter waste of my time. I like to see every movie that I possibly can so in that regards I have come to terms with the fact that I saw it, but my god. It was violent just for the sake of being violent. The director must have said to himself I want to make a movie that is chock full of gratutious violence so I'm going to fill this movie with death, carnage, and destruction. Oh, annd then I'll throw in a frame or two of the victims of this violence suffering in their last moments...usually with some part of their body blown off. Just for fun! What? Really?

It tried to be funny.....I think. For a large portion of the movie everything was presented as very serious. There was no tinges of humor laced in. There was no dramedy action going on. Then as it progressed and we learned more about Viggo's character and his past very inappropriate jokes were thrown in. The kind of jokes that you aren't even sure if they are jokes. You sort of chuckle uncomfortably at them because you think that they are supposed to be funny, but you're at loss if it is intentional or not.

Mario Bello...Viggo Mortensen.....Ed Harris. These are some superb actors. People who clearly have talent, and in the past have made some very good choices in regards to roles. This was not one of their better choices. I can understand why these people choose to do this movie. It is a little bit different. On paper it probably came across as edgy, a role that they could really sink their teeth into and perhaps get some publicity from. Once they got to the set and started actually acting they must have realized the garbage that they signed up for because it seemed like everyone was just phoning in their performances. Each of them had their moments when their talent really shined. It made the movie a little bit bearable. But for the most part they weren't there. How can I get into the movie if even the stars seem to be unable to committ to the material?

Finally...there was the sex scenes. I'm not going to go into the lurid details, but once again the director of this movie asked himself what could he do to make the sex completely gratuitous. He one hundred percent succeeded with the first sex scene. There was zero need for it. I can see the purpose of the second sex scene, but I didn't find it very enjoyable to watch. It was uncomfortable. Both of them lasted too long. He needed to tighten those scenes up...cut out like a minute and a half from each. Eck!

I don't reccomend this movie, but I understand if you need to make your own opinion. I would still see it after reading this type of go and make your own opinion. If you enjoy it...more power to you!


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