Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Friday, October 14, 2005


I have been very remiss in keeping up with the blog these days, but I have finally found the time to sit down and write some posts. There are plenty of interesting things that have been happening, and I must continue to regail those of you out in cyberspace with my exploits.

Last Friday was my birthday, and Ranise came to visit which was very exciting. However, earlier in the week a part on my GPS system broke. It is an external part so they can send me a new one since I'm still under warranty, but of course it did not get here in time for my trip to the airport. I was forced to rely on mapquest which is notorious for giving wrong directions, and directing you down streets that do not exist. That's really helpful. Perhaps Mapquest should look into that and oh I don't know...update their system. Maybe get some new maps in there. People are using that site all the time you would think that they would want it to be reliable. I did, but apparently I was wrong. This was my first trip to the airport without my GPS system. Earlier in the week I had been nervous about it, but I had been finding my way around LA for about a week without the damn thing so I wasn't all that concerned anymore. Don't get me wrong i wanted the GPS system, but there was nothing that could be done about it so why dwell. As it turned out I was more then capable of getting to the airport. Keep in mind that I said that I was more then capable of GETTING to the airport. We are not in the homestretch just yet.

Of course when I get to the airport I discover that Ranise's plane is going to be around forty-five minutes late. Are you kidding me? This is when it sucks to be perpetually early because you suffer the consequences of the fact that most of the world is usually running late. Of all places to have to sit around and wait, the airport is probably the last place that anyone would want to be. It is incredibly boring, and the only thing for me to do was smoke. Luckily, we live in the age of cell phones and I was able to catch up on some of my calls.

Ranise finally arrived, and we started on our trip home. This is when things start to get a little hairy. You see when you are trying to follow directions that are incorrect it doesn't matter how many times you drive up and down Sepulveda looking for the entrance to the freeway if the entrance to the freeway isn't on Sepulveda. I mean honestly. Perhaps mapquest could take that into account next time. Perhaps I wouldn't have to spend two and a half to three hours getting home on a trip that should take no more then forty-five minutes or so. I left for the airport at 2:30 or so and I didn't get home until after 8. I was tired. My roommates had already eaten dinner, as I instructed them too because there was no sense in them being hungry just because it was my birthday, and I was beginning to feel light headed I was so hungry. Thankfully when we stopped at the gas station to ask how to get to the freeway Ranse bought some cheetos. Yes, that is the meal of champions. So chock full of nutrients. YUM....processed cheese.

But we still did have to eat! My new LA friends, Antonio and Ricardo, decided that they were going to take me to the California Pizza Kitchen. It was really nice that they wanted to celebrate my birthday with me, especially since I had only known them for a week, but I must admit that it does feel like I have known them for longer then I actually have. So Ricarod came and picked us up and Ranise and I piled in the car on our way to CPK. It was a lovely dinner, until that fateful moment.

Antonio had orderd kung-pow shrimp. This is not a meal that is known for being bland. It is quite spicy as a matter of fact. It is not something that I would ever order even though my tastebuds are finding it easier to tolerate hotter foods these days. I see no reason to put myself throught that when there is a menu that is chock full of things that are delicious and not going to result in me breathing fire. All of our food was quite good, and I had a couple of drinks in me so I was forgetting all about the frustration of my hours and hours in the car. All of a sudden I feel this liquid in my eye.....and then a burning sensation like I had never felt before. It literally felt like someon had dipped my eye into fire and then put it back into its socket. Antonio had been futzing with his shrimp...trying to de-shell it or something, and as he succesfully completed his mission the kung-pow from the shrimp took flight and landed in my eye.

I will admit that I may have been a bit dramatic about it and that might have been the reason why everyone else at the table was at hysterics as I was squirming around in my seat, and continued to be in hysterics when I returned from putting water on my eye in the bathroom. I have been known to be dramatic once or twice in my life....but there was some serious pain that resulted from that stuff in my eye. It is spicy, and not meant to go into one's eyes. Honestly, I think most people would have the same reaction as me. I have no shame in the fact that I was squealing in pain. You try it and then tell me how it feels.


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