Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, November 14, 2005

Drama Drama Drama

I'm not even kidding with you either. This was some serious drama. It was fleeting drama, but it was some drama nonetheless. I did have plans for this Saturday evening. I was going to a comedy show with the roomies, and then I was going to come home and just chill out, but then Antonio called me. I should start to put together that every time I head out on an excursion with Antonio it leads to some sort of drama in my life, but apparently I'm very short sighted at times. He invited me to go to the Abby with him and some friends. I hadn't been out in a long time. I mean I was very much into the idea of going out to a bar, having a few drinks, maybe getting hit on a by a cute boy, perhaps even make out with I said yes. The comedy show and the hitting the WEHO bar timed out perfectly.

Suzanne Westenhofer, the comedian that we went to see, was very funny. Tara, Steph, and I got home and then I headed out to meet Antonio and his friends at the Abby. The Abby is a cool place I must say. It's indoors and outdoors all at once. Everything sort of bleeds into one another. They play good music, and after Saturday night I can firmly attest to the fact that they make very very good drinks. Without even realizing it, I was buying my vodka tonics with grey goose vodka. Grey Goose Vodka goes down very smoothly. I was sucking those things down. Even I was beginning to wonder why I was drinking them so quickly. To put your minds at east I only had about two and a half drinks. But they were strong. (Just a quick side note-I live within walking distance to the gay bars of West Hollywood so I was not going to be behind the wheel of any type of vehicle so I was free to get a little tipsy and not have to worry about getting home because my two stumbling feet would be able to get me there!)

I was getting ahead of myself. I met Antonio's friends and they all seemed very cool. Granted most of the time that I spent with them we were all drunk. They were definitley fun in the bar, but I have no idea what they would be like outside that realm. They could be very lovely, who knows. There were four people there with Antonio, but two of them have names that are eluding me because they just kept disappearing. I have no idea where it is that they were. But the other two have names that are the fore of my mind. Wendy and Johnny. Wendy was an interesting girl. She is definitley a party girl. She seems like she loves to have a good time, and she is not shy in the least. Every guy that walked past her she asked them if they were gay or not. Most of them were since ya know we were in a gay bar, but there were a couple who were straight believe it or not. She honed in on them. The straight ones were pretty hot actually. And they seemed straight. They were stiff and kind of out of place. I have no problem with straight guys going to gay bars, but if your going to be that uncomfortable then what is the point. I can't imagine that there is anything that would demand your presence there. Maybe a gay friend...but even then....who knows.

Johnny drunk was another story all together. He was loud, and a little bit out of control, but not in a completely annoying way. It was sort of cute. I could be saying this because most of the time I spent with him was spent intoxicated, but who knows. Antonio didn't seem to be amused by him in the slightest, but Antonio doesn't seem to be amused by much that takes attention away from him. As the evening progressed Johnny and I started to flirt. He was grabbing my back, and we were holding hands, and doing that close talking thing. You all know what it is. We have all done the flirting thing. But one moment he was telling me that I was cute, and he didn't understand why I wanted to spend time with him because he is never anyone's type, and the next minute when I am telling him that he too is cute he is getting all up in arms over the fact that telling someone that they are cute is something that you tell dogs and cats. What? Does that make me his pet because he seemed very sincere when he was telling me that I was cute. Apparently sincere these days means drunk.

He was definitley starting to act strange, and I wasn't interested in his weirdness so I told him that I was going to head out. When I did that his tune changed a bit. We were standing there with his friend whose name I can't remember, and Johnny turned to his friend and asked him if he would mind if we went off alone for a bit. Honestly, I don't know what his friend said but the next thing I knew I was being led to an upstairs part of this bar. It was a massive bar. There was some more close talking, and he asked me when was the last time that I had a boyfriend. Being drunk I had to think about that one because it has been that long since there has been a guy who has wanted to stay around for longer then a drunken night. I know I told him years, I just don't know how many years I told him. It was close enough. It got the point across. Since we were doing the question thing I asked him if I could kiss him. He said yes, and then we pecked on the lips. Not what I had in mind, and I made that known which led to us making out. He was really insecure about his abilities as a kisser, but he was a good kisser. He kept telling me that he was probably doing it wrong, which he wasn't. I'm so unbelievably insecure with guys, that when a guy is insecure around me I find that to be absolutely irresistible. How ridiculous am I!


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