Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...Part 3

The Ricardo thing turned out to be a complete bust, and thus my interest in Dave was completely renewed. We had been playing phone tag, but had finally managed to pin down a date to go out and have a drink. The problem with the date that we had picked was two fold. First of all Ranise had just left that day, and while I loved having her visit and it was certainly an eventful and fun trip, I was completely exhausted. I had been run ragged not only physically, but the whole mini-drama that had unfolded over the entire trip had been mentall draining as well. However, I had to keep this downpour of men going. The second problem was that it was a Wednesday night, and Lost was on. Yes I was TIVOing it, but Lost is one of those shows that you can't wait to watch. :)

Dave and I went to a very nice restaurant/lounge that is within walking distance to my house. To suggest anything that is witihin walking distance to myself instantly endears me to you, because I make it known to strangers and friends alike that driving is perhaps the thing that I like to do least in this world. On the other hand, he could have suggested that we go somewhere within walking distance of my house so he could get me drunk and take advantage of me. My initial thoughts on Dave were that he was cute, but perhaps a little too old for me at 35. After our date had been going on for a little while, my thoughts on him had changed a little bit. He was still cute, but he was definitley too old for me because he decided to confess after our first drink that for a reason he is not really sure of he decided to tell me that he was 35 just to see if I would believe him. How old was he actually you may be asking yourself? 42. Yes. He was seventeen years older then me. 42 is well beyond my usual cut off, but by this point we had already started to click. We actually had things in common, and were able to have a very easy conversation with one another. Plus, he was still cute.

Three vodka tonics and a not very full stomach later, we were talking about Lost and how much we both liked it. A few moments after that Dave was suggesting that we go back to his apartment to watch Lost. So clearly there was some merit in my notion that he was getting me drunk to take advantage of me, but honestly there was a good vibe going on between us, and I wasn't fulled by his suggestion to go back to his apartment and "watch" Lost. Being the older more established of the two of us, he insisted on paying. In that moment it had a little bit of a sugar daddy feel which I felt sort of icky about, but I didn't ask him to pay, and I knew that I wasn't going to let it turn into a situaton like that so if he wanted to pay for some drinks and appetizers then more power to him. And, he did ask me out after all.

We went back to his very nice apartment, with his very nice flat screen tv mounted on the wall, and we did start to watch Lost. At first we were sitting with some space between us, and then we were sitting very close to one another, then we were holding hands. About forty minutes into the episode there was a commercial break, and that's when the making out started. I'm going to fast forward a bit here because not everyone needs the gory details, and I was a little tipsy and there was hooking up. But it was nice. Even after we hooked up we still had things to talk about, and nothing got weird. He drove me home. No talk of spending the night had occured, and even if he had mentioned it I wanted to go home. I had to get up early to go to Barry's Bootcamp, and after the crazy birthday weekend I wanted to get back into my normal routine.

At my apartment, we kissed goodbye and set up another date. Honestly, that is probably the first time that I have had a second date set before the first date even ended. It was nice. It certainly made me see the virtues of older guys who aren't neccesarily into all of the game playing. Usually they promise to call assuring me how interested they are, they never call, I foolishly break down and call them, and of course never hear from them again. It is a predictable cycle. I almost find comfort in the predictability of it all. But this time was different, and I was completely for trying something different.


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