Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...Part 4

Tuesday of the next week was the day of my next date with Dave. But that never happened. Dave called me on Tuesday morning to say that he was sick, and that he didn't think that he was going to be able to make it. Hmmm....the red flags were already starting to go up, but when we re-schedueled for Friday night, and he suggested that I give him a call that night to see how he was doing I decided I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps he actually was sick. If I were sick, I wouldn't want to go out on a date either.

I did call him that night, and we had a really great conversation. We talked for like an hour. Now if he wanted to give me the brush off then I don't think that he would have either reschedueled the date, talked to me on the phone for an hour, or made several sexual innuendos on the phone with me. My favorite of which was, and when I say favorite I mean in the sense of trying to stifle laughter when talking to him not getting sexually aroused by it, was when he suggested that on Friday night I come over to his house and try and see if I get cell phone reception in his every room of the apartment. Apparently he doesn't get reception, and I said that when I was there I got reception and suggested that he switch to Verizon. However, when he started talking about me trying the reception in every room of the house combined with the tone of his voice and the direction that the conversation had been headed in I was led to believe that we were no longer talking about the wonder that is Verizon Wireless.

I got off the telephone confident in what was going on. However, when I was leaving my writing class on Thursday night I got a message from Dave saying that he was not feeling any better. He was now on antibiotics, and wanted to rescheduel our date again for next week. Ok...fine. Now on one hand if this were a lie it is far too elaborate, and if he wanted to simply not see me anymore he could either quit reschedueling the dates or simply ignore my calls. So even though I was starting to grow suspicious of the whole situation, I decided that I was going to give him yet another chance.

Over the weekend, I went to yet another party that Antonio was throwing. This time I got in, but there weren't very many people there and the roomies were tired and had to get up early the next morning so I relieved them of their duties of coming with me, but that meant that I was there by myself. Of course I started to make phone calls even though it was like 1am in NYC. I knew the night owls to call...particularly on a Saturday night. While I was on the phone there was this cute guy who kept walking past me and smiling, and since nothing else was happening at the party I figured it would be worth at least talking to the guy. The blip that this dude was in my life, I am not even going to name him in this post. He is just going to be called guy. That, and I don't really want to remember him because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

The guy and I actually seemed to hit it off a bit, until I found out that he was brought here by a friend of Antonio's so that she could set up the guy with Antonio. Are you kidding me? Have I gotten myself into this situation again? Antonio immediatley saw what was going on, and told me that he was moving in for the kill on this guy which left me sort of conflicted because things between us had already started. I didn't move in knowing that he was there for Antonio, but the two of them hadn't even been introduced yet so I was kind of annoyed at Antonio because he didn't even know the dude yet, and he was still embroiled in all of his nonsense with Ricardo. Nonetheless, I decided to try to stay away from the guy so as not incur the wrath that is Antonio. The story now takes on a bit of twists and turns. The guy really wasn't interested in Antonio, and even though Antonio was trying to thrust himself upon the guy, the guy was not having any of it.

Meanwhile, the guy kept coming over to me and trying to dance with me, and put his hands all over me, and I was just trying to keep myself out of the situation so as not to cause any problems. I really wasn't looking for any drama. To remove myself from the situation, I went to the bathroom. The guy followed me to the bathroom, threw me up agains the wall, and started to make out with me. For a moment I went with it, but pushed him away and told him that we couldn't do any of this because I was just trying to avoid a dramatic situation that would just hurt people's feelings. The guy kept insisting that he didn't have any interest in Antonio, but I was still conflicted about the whole thing.

I went out to the patio to have a cigarette, and the guy followed me out there, and soon after Antonio was out there. Awkward is not the word for the situation. I literally wanted to run. The guy's friend then comes running out and says that her friend, who was there as well, had just recieved a call from her mother informing her that her grandfather had just had a heart attack and was going in for triple bypass surgery so the guy's friend was going to bring her friend home. The guy, the guy's friend, the friend of the guy's friend, and Antonio all went to the cars. Antonio and the guy were going to return, but I decided it would be best if I just stayed where I was.

When the guy finally returns, he not only tells me that Antonio had thrust him up against a wall outside in an attempt to make out with him, but the whole story about the grandfather was made up so that they could leave. Are you kidding me? That is a messed up story to create. Who was stopping them from leaving? As for the other part of the story, who knew what was going on, but needless to say Antonio was pissed because he was not only being rejected but I was getting the attention of the guy tht he wanted attention from.

Ricardo came to pick Antonio up, and then it was just me and the guy. Since the guy didn't have a ride home, I made the mistake of offering to take him there which was fairly close to where we were. I took him home, and of course went inside with him. We hooked up, and I felt incredibly guilty about it, but at the same time I didn't. I was very conflicted, and as soon as the whole thing was over I just wanted to be out of there. It wasn't one of my wiser moves because not only did I regret it after it happened but I am then informed that the dude was 19 years old! WHAT! That sort of thing so does not enter my mind when someone is in a bar that cards and they are drinking. I had assumed that he was my age. Stupid assumption. It changed everything. First of all I am sick of being decieved about how old people are, secondly I wasn't interested in dating a nineteen year old, and third of all it made me see more clearly that i would like to see if something could happen with Dave. Now we had only gone out on one date, so it's not like I was cheating on him or anything, especialy since he kept cancelling dates, but it just put things in perspective for me.

The next morning I talked to Antonio, and he basically told me that he was pissed at me, but he and Ricardo had decided to give the dating thing a try again. I am not exactly sure what he was pissed about. He was pissed because the guy didn't like him. The guy and I met one another before he even knew Antonio existed, and Antonio told me he didn't find the guy to be that cute anyway. Was this all out of spite? I didn't really understand then why he was making a whole drama about me and the guy liking each other. And the fact that he turned out to be nineteen just made the whole situation worse. Frankly, I had wished I had stayed home and watched a movie that night.

The guy was now stricken from my life, and I continued to feel guilty about that situation with Antonio because I really try to do the right thing, but I was also sort of angry because Antonio basically told me that he stopped the situation just because he could. What is that about? If he didn't even really want the guy, then why was he putting people through nonsense.

Wednesday rolls around, and Dave and I have finally managed to set a lunch date. We go to lunch, and that same ease is there, and there is that same chemistry. In the moment I didn't notice anything different, but in hindsight I guess I can now see that there was a different energy on Dave's part. They do say hindsight is twenty-twenty. The lunch goes splendidly...I offer to pay since Dave paid last time. Dave drives me home...we get into my driveway....and Dave tells me that he thinks that we should just be friends. He isn't feeling the dating vibe anymore. WHAT?!?! Why did we need to go to lunch for you to tell me that, and why didn't you tell me that at lunch so I didn't offer to pay for a lunch that was essentially being used to dump me, for lack of a better word. Yeah. Clearly, I didn't show him that side of my anger. I just said that it was cool. He said something about calling me to hang out, which I'm not holding my breath for, and we parted ways. I was not devestated by this by any means. I was a little disappointed, but it wasn't something that was going to make me sad in the slightest. The worst part about it was that I paid for the lunch!

Now my love life is quiet. There are no prospects, and nothig is going on. I have to say that I am fine with that for a little while. After that month of nonsense it won't be such a bad thing to not have to worry about drama!


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