Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Night That We Could Get Nothing That We Wanted

My last night in New York City was going to be spent going to dinner with Adam, Zack, Sara, and Selda and then going to see Match Point. We went to the Thai restaurant...and they brought our food out in no particular order. There were appetizers that were ordered that came out after the main course, and there were meals, Adam's, that didn't even come.

The time for the movie was quickly rolling near and Adam was still waiting for his food. Sara, Zack, and I went to get the tickets at the Times Square AMC down the street, but the showing that we were going to was sold out. Great. We called Adam and Selda and told them to meet us downtown at the Loews on 3rd and 11th because there was a showing of Match Point there in an hour. Well.....the show we wanted to go and see, and the show after that were sold out leaving only the midnight showing which didn't seem like a good idea. So we left a message for Adam and Selda, who were on the train thinking that we had tickets to Match Point in our hands, and headed across the street to Rocket Wraps so that Sara could get this vegetable juice that was a mixture of carrots, cucumbers, and beets. I think that it is vile, but it is a healthy drink and so God love Sara for being able to get it down.

Sara orders the drink, after we had laughed about the course of the evening thus far and how funny it would be if they were missing one of the ingredients, and lo and behold right as they are about to start blending it together they remember that they are out of cucumbers. Once again we are foiled! Ok...that is fine. Our quest can continue. Sara also wanted to get a fig newton. I am not lying to you when I said that we went to six delis to find these fig newtons, and no one had them. One guy told us that he would be getting them in later in the week so we could come back then if we wanted. Thanks. Is a Fig Newton really something that you want to wait a few days to get? I don't think so.

Finally, after we had left the last deli, but stood outside of it because Adam and Selda were crossing the street to get to us, one of the people who worked in the deli came rushing outside looking for Sara to show her where the fig newtons were! Oh happy day! Our fortune is changing!

We then went to the Care Orlin or the Yaffa Cafe...I can't remember which....where I had the most amazing oreo cheescake. It was decadence to the extreme.... and they let us sit there for like two and a half hours even though there were people waiting for tables, and we had stopped ordering. We weren't even drinking!

We left there, and Sara asked us if we wanted to go and meet Perry and her boyfriend at Fiddlesticks for a drink. We were all sort of tired, but went anyway. After a few minutes there, Adam and Zack decided that they were going to go home since they weren't drinking anything, and Selda was ready to leave as well. I was perfectly content to head back with them, but I can always be convinced to stay out for a drink, and so I agreed to stay for one drink with Sara as long as they took credit card since I had nothing on me.

Well I get in there, and Perry's boyfriend buys the drinks for me and Sara. He then proceeds to buy us all a bottle of champagne....then he bought us all shots of Petron(I don't usually do tequila, but that was some high quality stuff that went down very smoothly!), and then he decided to buy another bottle of champagne. Before that got started, Sara and I decided to go out for a cigarette. We came back in, and Perry was tired and ready to go home so they were getting ready to head out, but he felt badly so he bought Sara and I another drink each instead of the bottle of champagne, and Sara and I finished the first bottle of champagne! We were very pleasantly tipsy, and we hadn't spent any money at all. Perry's boyfriend seemed like a really nice guy, and he bought Sara and I all those drinks which he did not have to do!

The night that would give us nothing that we wanted turned into a really fun evening. Maybe the night decided that it knew what we really wanted, so instead of givinig us what we thought we wanted it gave us what we really wanted!


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