Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Friday, January 20, 2006

New Year's Eve

I realize that there are many people who are not fans of New Year's Eve, because a lot of time it can be all build up and no pay off. I think that New Year's Eve probably offers the most pay off to people who never go out. People build it up because that is one of the only nights they have to go out and party. However, and I've discussed this with friends-this isn't actually my theory-I believe it was Sara that pointed all of this out, me and most of the friends that I have are people that like to go out all year round so we don't need New Year's Eve to cut loose and be crazy.

That being said, that doesn't mean that I don't like to have fun on New Year's Eve. You have just got to avoid the hype, unless the hype is your thing then more power to you.

This year we had a little soiree at Greg's apartment. There were a lot of different people in and out of the place, and it was a good time. There were drinks, and food, and good friends, and Degrassi. Yes, that is right you read that correctly. There was Degrassi. As much as I loathe the notion, I suppose that there are people in the world who have no idea what Degrassi is. It is a teen soap that is produced for Candian television, but the N, which is a channel that I believe is a division of Nickelodeon, has been airing the show in the United States for the past few years. This is a show that does not shy away from presenting crazy things....the slogan is that it goes there, and oh does it ever.

Here are just a few of the highlights:

In the first episode, Emma, she would probably be considered our main heroine, went to the hotel room of an internet predator(of course not realizing that he wasn't a boy her own age), and was nearly raped; seasons later after Emma got gonnoria from oral sex with Jay in the back of his van

Manny was sleeping with Craig while he was with Ashley, and she got pregnant and had an abortion but eventually won Craig over for herself, and then in subsuquent seasons decided that she wanted to be an actress and took off her top for the camera of the son of the principal of their school;

Rick, a boy who had been relentlessly picked on, mostly because he had been dating Terry, hitting her, and eventually put her in a coma(many people seem to think that Terry is still in the coma, but she did in fact wake up) brought a gun to school after he had been tarred and featherd by a prank orchestrated by Spinner, Jay, and Alex. The catch....Rick thought that it was Jimmy who had set it up. It didn't help that Emma had rejected his romantic advances mistaking her pity for love.....Rick shot Jimmy in the back leaving him paralyzed, nearly shot Emma who was rescued by Sean, making him a reluctant hero, and killed himself. The fall out continued when Spinner's involvement was discovered and all of his friends turned on him.

So yeah..Degrassi goes there, and it never stops because those are only a few of the highlights....I could go on and on and on about the stuff that goes on on that show, but the point of this whole tirade about Degrassi was the fact that the N was showing it the entire New Year's weekend. A marathon! Oh my! So the party simply had to become a Degrassi marathon...because quite frankly I don't know anyone that can resist Degrassi!

The evening was, for the most part(and I will get to the for the most part portion of the evening in a little bit), uneventful, but in a good way. It was fun and we were hanging out, but it wasn't any kind of craziness. However, there was a bit of craziness after midnight. I had been talking about doughnuts the whole time that I had been in New York City. I am not sure why I had a hankering for doughnuts, but I did. So Adam, Zack, Sara, and I went downstairs to the Dunkin Doughnuts that is right below Greg's apartment and got a doughnut. Sara and I decided to have a cigarette, but we didn't have any so we went next door to the King's Head Tavern, and asked to bum a couple from some of the people, and one guy happily gave us two cigarettes, and also asked if I wanted herpes. Yes, I was offered herpes on New Year's Eve(I bet right at this moment you are thinking that that is the crazines...well my friends, let me tell you, it is it not.) I happily accepted the cigarettes, but I politely declined the herpes. Why would you ask someone that? It's almost a rhetorical question, because really do you need someone to answer that. Is there any answer but no to that question? Perhaps a more colorful way of saying no, but the message is the same. And if you are saying yes to that question, you need to sit down and have a long talk with yourself about perhaps changing your outlook on life.

The four of us went back upstairs, and put our coats in Greg's bedroom. Pat and Selda were sitting on the futon, which was in couch mode, apparently watching Degrassi, but thinking back on it I do think that I thought to myself that there was something weird going on in that room. But I was tipsy, and shrugged it off to go into the kitchen to chat with my friends. A few minutes later, Adam comes out of the bedroom looking a little shocked, and then a few seconds after that Selda comes bounding out of the room, laughing.

Bahrat, who is Greg's roommate, had a friend who was very drunk, sitting on Greg's window sill smoking a cigarette, and practically falling out of the window. Of course this is a situation that must be handled so Greg went to get Bahrat who went to get the friend, who is female...that is important to remember, of the girl who was sitting on the window sill. Apparently window sill girl had just broken up with her boyfriend, and was very upset by it. Female friend of girl in the window sill came into the room to make sure that her friend was okay, leaned down to ask her if she was okay, and then the two of them proceeded to make out. Yes...she asked if her friend was okay, and then stuck her tongue down her throat to make sure that she was okay. WHAT? I am very sad that I left the room, and missed that because it is one of the most random things that I have ever heard in my entire life, and if nothing else I like random things.


  • At 1:50 AM, Blogger Patrick said…

    What an odd, odd, wonderful New Year's that was...


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