Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Friday, January 20, 2006

Continued Adventures In Dating...

So many of the posts that I am about to make are things that happened quite some time ago, but since I have been seriously slacking with the blog, it is all about catch up right now. So here it goes.

I spent Christmas and New Year's back in New York, and that was the best way to spend the holidays. I think that these holidays were some of my favorites because I was among the people that I love in the place that I love, and I was able to have a very real appreciation for all of these things because I have been separated from all of it since the summer basically. There were other trips to NYC since July of course, but this one was the longest, and made me realize the true extent to which I missed living in New York City, but that is not what this post is supposed to be about. There I go again with the tangents.

When I was in NYC for Thanksgiving, I met a guy named Rob at Excess. I wrote about this so all of you faithful readers are well versed in the tale. For those of you who are joining us a little bit later in the game, well you can go back and read the post about The End of My Trip To's all about continuity people. Remember...I love me some soap operas so backstory is very important, and in real life backstory is even more important because in life it is very rare that one thing doesn't come as a direct result of the event that preceded it.

As I was saying, Rob and I met and he was cute and nice, but I was drunk and got his phone number knowing that it was probably for naught because when was I ever going to see him again. Well I was going to be back for the holidays in three weeks so I figured that that would be a good time to call him. Truth be told, I did want to call him, but I wasn't actually sure if I was going to do it. I had the first week of my trip back East at home in Wappingers Falls, and as much as I enjoyed being home for five days I had had enough by the time Christmas rolled around so after having Christmas dinner and doing all that holiday stuff, I decided to head into the city and see my dear friends Sara and Selda, who were ever so gracious to let me stay with them for seven nights which is a lot of time to ask someone to put you up for so I appreciate it ever so much.

My second night in the city, Monday night, Sara and I split a bottle of wine at dinner, and then headed back to the apartment where we drank more wine. I'm not exactly a light weight, but after a few glasses of wine I start to get tipsy, and that is when I got the idea to call Rob in my head. So at 11pm I called him, and left a message. Then I forgot about it. It wasn't that I didn't care, because God knows I usually obsess about these things, but I was in New York City having a good time with my friends so it wasn't something that was worth freaking out about. If he decided to call me then great, maybe we would get together. But if he didn't call me it wasn't like it was going to ruin my trip. My trip was going to be amazing, and having a date would have just been icing on the cake, but not having one would not have detracted from anything.

Tuesday goes by, and I don't hear from Rob, but I also didn't think about it very much. Normally, I would wonder and wonder and wonder why he wasn't calling me back, but thankfully I was able to forgo my normal insanity and just exist and be happy. Sara, Selda, and I went to have Thai food for dinner that night, and while we were sitting down at dinner is when he called me back. I am not one to answer my cell phone when I am at dinner with people. That is what voicemail is for. Of course there are circumstances where one must answer their phone because an important phone call is expected or a litany of other reasons, but frankly when a boy calls me back as much as I want him to call me back I get nervous and don't want them to call me back all at the same time. Following me? So of course I had to wait and see what it is that he was going to say in the voicemail before I could actually speak to him. I'm a little bit of a loop, though, because once the call has been missed and the voicemail has been left I usually chide myself for not answering the phone. If I had answered the phone I could have let go of a lot of my nervousness, but that part of my thinking doesn't come into play until after the call has been missed. It would be nice if my brain could hit the fast forward button and just force me to answer the phone when it is ringing instead of created these protracted phone tag duels.

Do I listen to the message after it is left for me? No. In this particular instance, and I am not sure why I chose this time to do this, I decided to take my insanity one step further and have Selda listen to the message before I did. Seriously, what is the matter with me? Was I dropped on my head as a child? Because I certainly behave as if I was. Regardless, the message was very cute, and he seemed happy to hear from me. He had thought that I had forgotten all about him, and if I hadn't heard from someone for three weeks I would have thought the same thing. I called him back, and left him a voicemail. Then I didn't hear anything. Now that we had started actually playing a game of phone tag, my craziness had kicked into a bit of overdrive and I was now wondering why he was not calling me back.

That evening Selda, Greg, Pat, and I went to Ryan's Pub, and apparently Greg wanted to get all of us very very drunk because he kept buying us shots of soco and lime. Granted that isn't exactly the toughest shot that you can take, and granted they weren't very big shots. But they were shots nonetheless, and we had each had two drinks besides the shots so it wasn't as if we were sober. Now when I start to drink, I get grand ideas in my head....but now that I think about they are plans.....they are these ridiculous plans that only a drunk person would think was a good idea, and that fact is only reinforced by the fact that I always want to stick my head in a wall the morning after(look for a later post to reveal the true depths of my stupidity....I may even call it that).

We had had dinner a few hours ago, but it wasn't that late yet, and since I was drunk I was really wondering why it is that Rob had not called me back yet. Normally, when I get drunk I like to have Selda call my cousin, who I rarely if ever talk to, and talk to him. It amuses me for whatever reason, but this time I decided I was going to give Selda Rob's number so she could call him, and do I have no idea what. So she did. He didn't answer. Probably because it was late. We laughed about it a little, and then forgot about it. We continued to have a fun evening, and then went home. The next day Selda and I got up and were getting ready to head somewhere...I can't really remember where at this moment....but of course I was talking about the fact that Rob hadn't called me back yet. Selda got a phone call. She was chatting away on the phone when she gets a beep. She turns her phone over to look at the number of the second call and does not recognize it. It immediatley hits me that we had used her phone to call Rob the night before in one of my moronic drunken plans. I think I might have leapt across the room to make sure that she didn't answer it, because it was in fact Rob calling probably wondering who the random missed call was from. Of course we ignore the call. You would think at this point I could not take my foolishness any further....oh but I can. I then started to wonder, and no I did not wonder this in my head but rather out loud to Selda, why it is that Rob had called her back and not me. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I went there. Are you kidding me? If I was watching myself as a character on television, I would probably be doing a lot of cringing.

About thirty seconds after I was bitching and moaning about all of this, my phone rang and it was Rob. YAY! We set up a date for Thursday night.


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