Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Friday, January 20, 2006

Continued Adventures In Dating... Part 2

Thursday night came, and I went to meet Rob at, Excess, which is the bar that we had met at. I was standing outside of the bar, and I saw what I thought was Rob cross the street and stand next to the door, but on the other side of me. I would occasionally look over in his direction, wondering if that was him. I was almost certain that it was him, but for whatever reason I did not want to be the person to make the initial contact. Of course he then went inside, and realizing that it was him, I then had to go inside and make the first move, and laugh about the fact that we were standing right next to each other without realizing it, when in fact I most certainly did realize it. Maybe he was thinking the exact same thing? He didn't let on that he was, but if that were the case then we really would be a match made in heaven.

We sat down at the bar, got drinks, and started to chat and I soon realized that I was talking to someone who was well versed in television. I mean he had a working knowledge of General Hospital, and owned all seven seasons of Buffy on DVD. If that is not someone that I want to get to know further, then I don't know who is. Needless to say, I'm sure I made myself sound insane when we were talking about these particular subjects, because I do realize that I have tendency to talk about characters on television shows that I really love, particularly General Hospital, as if they are real people. I know that they aren't, and I'm not trying to make it sound like I am talking about my neighbor, but I have very strong opinions about my shows, and that comes out.

More drinks were had, we continued to talk and I realized that from what I was learning it seemed that we had that oh so rare mix of enough things in common so we our interests weren't completely foreign to one another, but at the same time had enough differences so it wasn't like dating your clone. The more that we had to drink, the cuter that I thought he was. Don't get me wrong, I thought that he was completely adorable stone cold sober. This is definitley someone I would have been interested in even if I hadn't met him when I was drunk, but now that I was veering off into drunk land his cuteness factor was just upping by the minute.

We decided to go to G, I'm pretty sure at my suggestion, and who did I see when I was walking back to Rob from the bathroom at G. Ruddy! That's right it was Ruddy who was on date! Once again, this would have been an exciting turn of events if I had been stone cold sober, but the fact that I had had like three vodka tonics only made the coincidence all the more exciting since I hadn't seen Ruddy in all that long. The rest of our time in G, not the rest of our evening mind you but the rest of our time in G, is a little bit hazy, but I do know, and I have no idea who made the first move, that Rob and I started making out at one point. At more then one point as a matter of fact, and apparently, although I'm not sure this is entirely true, I spilled his drink on him when I went in for a kiss at one point. I have no idea how that would have happened, but I of course offered to buy him another drink. I went to the ATM to get more cash, only to discover the next day that the numbers on my reciept didn't match the numbers on my card but the reciept had my name on it and the right amount was debited from my account. I'm pretty sure that it is a mystery that is never going to be solved because the bank had no answers for me, and short of them I have no idea who would handle that situation.

I gave Rob his drink, and he asked me if I want to come to his apartment, in Queens, and spend the night making it very clear that this wasn't an invitation for sex, but he did want me to come over. Goodness knows I love nothing more then invitations for ambigous sleepovers when I am drunk so I immediately said yes, and we left right there on the spot. Of course I said goodbye to Ruddy first. And I think Rob finished his drink, but it felt like it had been right away.

Let me tell you something...the train ride felt like it took nine years. I thought that I had aged by the time that we got back to his apartment in the depths of Queens. It was a cute neighborhood, and a very nice apartment, but it was still very very far away. We made out a little bit that night, but nothing happened. Which was fine for me. I took him at his word that he was just inviting me over to sleep. The next morning was a little bit awkward, but not in a bad way, and there was more making out. It was a really good date. One of the better ones that I have had in as long as I could remember, but when I left him to head back into the city i wasn't sure how we should end things since I wasn't going to be back back in the city until June. He said he had a really good time as well, but I always doubt it when boys tell me that after the fact. That is my own hangup, I am sure that he meant it. We decided to stay in touch.

We parted ways, and I headed back into the city. It wasn't until I was back in the city that I remembered that he had told me that he didn't really have any plans for New Year's Eve, and here we were having a soiree at Greg's apartment. Normally, I wouldn't call someone the day afte the first date, but I wanted to invite him to the party and I thought it was better to give him more rather then less notice. I left him a message, and then never heard from him again. By the time New Year's Eve had rolled around I was a little annoyed because even if he didn't want to come he could have returned my call or sent me a text message or something. We live in an era that enables us when we want to passive aggresively respond to someone. It is not very hard to reject someone without ever actually having to see or talk to them! Even though I didn't get a response to my invitation, I still texted him Happy New Year. I was tipsy, and I wanted to see if he would respond.

He did. At like four in the afternoon on New Year's Day. A bit anticlimactic...I wasn't really sure what to think about what was going through his head. Maybe, like every other guy that I have dated, he only said he had a good time deluding me into thinking that he actually did. But, then, later that night he sent me a text to have a safe flight...that was encouraging...althiugh I wasn't sure what to read into it. God forbid I take something for what it is rather then ascribing some grand meaning to it. I texted him back thanks and keep in touch and that horse and pony show, and then about a week later I got a text from him asking if I was in LA safe and sound.

Hmmmm.....not sure what to make of that one. I, of course, responded with yes and another mention of talking soon or something like that. It has been a couple of weeks and there hasn't been any contact between us. When I get back to New York, I'll probably call him and see what is what. Maybe we can hang out some more and see what happens. Maybe we will talk between now and then, although I have yet to make any phone calls and neither has he...perhaps because there is only so much time you can spend on the telephone. And maybe nothing at all will come of this, but it is fun to imagine that something will, and if there is anyone who likes to make things bigger then they are it is me. I'm thinking that that is a habit that I am going to need to break.


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