Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's A Little Thing that I like to Call Getting a Grip, Part 2

I would like to preface the next part of this story by saying I realize that these things that I sometimes do are not appropriate actions to take, and I realize that sometimes I get a little carried away....but I think that we all do. And mind you it is not like these sort of things happen everyday...maybe more then me to others, but not everybody.

A couple of weeks after my encounter with Kyle, I went to see a show downtown with Greg and then went out for some drinks with Greg and one of his friends from the Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program. To be perfectly honest with all of you, I am not quite sure of the name of the person. At this point, I still had Kyle's watch and the promises of several dates, all of which had been broke. I'm convinced the only reason that I had even gotten him to answer the phone was because he did want his watch back at some point. I had moved into pissed off with the situation, and I thought I was just going to ignore it for the evening. Yeah, right. We went to a bar on second avenue, and at that point I was in a Vodka and Red Bull stage. I think that I had five or six Vodka and Red Bulls. When I say that I was drunk that evening it goes beyond that.....that evenings ranks as one of my drunkest evenings...I'm talking top three. I certainly wasn't as drunk this evening as I was the night of Norah and Mike's wedding, but I was pretty close.

I thought that it would be a great idea to have Greg call Kyle(you see this nonsense of having someone else call a boy's phone did not start with Rob...I need help, or I don't get a grip perhaps.), and pretend that he was someone other then Greg. Apparently, Kyle has a lot of random people calling him because when Greg said that he was Ethan or some such name, Kyle just pretended to know him, and told Greg where he was hanging out. Bad idea....bad idea...oh let me say it again....bad idea. Kyle happened to be in the east village as well so I decided that we were going to go to that bar, bump into Kyle, and pretend it was an accident. Uhm....who the hell is going to believe that? If I had been with someone who was trying to do this, I would have done anything in my power to stop the situation, but when I come up with these inane ideas I go right through with them as if they are the best notions in the world. I tink that Greg might have tried to c onvince me that it wasnt't the best idea in the world, but I was so hopped up on caffeine or whatever it is that is in Red Bull, and at the same time drunk from the Vodka that I was listening to no one. I was practically running down the street. I was in fact a crazy person.

Are there any guesses as to what happened when I got to the bar and was confronted with Kyle? Did he run into my open arms? Yes he did. He saw me...came over and we kissed. It was absolutely the last thing I expected to happen, but I wouldn't accept his kiss....mostly because that is not what happened at all! :) He actually blew me off, which apparently upset me to the point of hysterical crying. I then proceeded to walk down the street refusing to allow Greg or his friend to come near me because I was the most embarassed that I had been in my whole life. I wasn't getting any more sober, but I was beginning to see the situation for what it was.

I then left voicemails for people in my hysterical state. Never a good thing. I didn't enjoy talking to those people the next day when the alcohol had left my system, and I realized that it wasn't the end of the damn world.

Greg, being the wonderful friend that he is, didn't really care that I went crazy for a night. But I did hear from Kyle a few days later...and he wanted to get together. Translation: He wanted to finally get his watch back. I was going to be at my weekly chipotle lunch with Greg, Sara, and Selda so I decided to have him just meet me down by St. Mark's Place, but by the time we finished lunch he wasn't answering his damn phone. If he stood me up one more time, his watch was going to get smashed into pieces, and he was going to recieve a voicemail detaling every motion that I had made. I decided to give him a few minutes, and went to meet Vashti at Rubin who once again re-iterated her belief that I should just smash the watch. Then Kyle called wanting to know why I had gone up to 10th and 5th. Well because you weren't answering your phone for twenty minutes you moron. I'm not going to sit around and wait for you!

He got huffy with me for standing me up. It's not my fault he was choosing this day to break his pattern and actually show up. I gave him the option of coming to meet me where I was or to meet me another day. Shock of shocks he chose to come and meet right then and there, and Vashti waited with me. When he got there she simply glared at him being the good friend that she is. We walked away, and he made some sort of comment about me not introducing him to my friend, to which I responded that I had felt no need to introduce him......I wanted to add since I won't ever see you again after this asshole, but I refrained myself from creating another situation.

We went to the starbucks on 8th street, and engaged in about twenty or twenty five minutes of meaningless chatter that would have been fine if we were on a real date, but since we both knew he just wanted to get his watch back I was just getting angry that he was making me waste my time with this pre-tense of a date. Personally, I was going to avoid the whole situation of me showing up at the bar, but he of course had to ask if I had had a friend call him that night that we ran into each other at the bar. What is a guy to do when confronted with his stalker like action? Deny it of course. I told him that it was a damn accident that I ran into him and if he thinks that I put that much time into thinking about him he needs to get a reality check. I made sure he knew how insulted I was. He pretended to believe me, I doubt that he did because it was obvious that it was me. That doesn't mean I would ever admit it to him. Short of him reading this blog, which I find highly unlikely, I will deny to him that it was anything other then a coincidence that we ran into each other that night. As a matter of fact even if he were to read this blog I would deny that I had anything to do with running into him.

Being sufficiently uncomfortable, I finally took out his damn watch and gave it to him hoping that that would be the end of our time together, but then he insisted on walking me to where I was going, hug me, and make some pretense about calling me when he got back from South America. Yay right. Did you even go to South America?

Do you now realize why I need to get a grip?


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