Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Who Is The Last Person You Would Expect to Write a Movie That Actually Gets Produced?

If the answers i Jenny McCarthy, then you are very very wrong my friends because Jenny McCarthy has written a movie called Dirty Love.....and it is complete and utter rubbish, but in that oh so good way that you can't help but watch it, and yes before any of you even think to ask I plan on buying this movie. I am not sure what goes on in this women's head, but she is clearly a little cracked out of her mind. Once again I reiterate the fact that this movie is garbage.....and yet I could not help but laugh till I cried...actually tears were streaming down my parts of the movie.

Kristyn, Elle, and I were being silly when we picked it out. We started to call it Dirty Whore, although that might as well have been what the name of it was. First of all, Carmen Electra was playing the part of one of Jenny McCarthy's friends in the movie, yes that is right writing this Oscar contender was not enough for her she needed to star in it as well so to ensure she would get nominated for Best Original Screenplay and Best Actress-the greed is astonishing to me. In Carmen's role as the friend she had to do nothing then pretend that she was ghetto in a manner that I am not sure people actually act. I think movies just make us want to think that people behave like this. Carmen Electra certainly doesn't act like I smell a Best Supporting Actress nominee in her future...I mean she was robbed at the Golden Globes.

The movie essentially opened up after Jenny McCarthy had been dumped by her very hot and very stupid male model boyfriend. She stood on Hollywood Boulevard crying, screaming, throwing herself on the floor and against random people, and basically making an ass of herself. I was on the floor laughing from the first moment. It was just so ludicrous. The plot of the movie is ridiculous, and basically non-existent but essentially J. McCarth's character has been dumped and is now trying to get over the love that she has lost with the help of her two best femal friends and her best male friend who, of course, happens to be in love with her and is played by Eddie Kay Thomas of the American Pie movies, and frankly could be her son. No I am not saying that he could be her son in the movie, but rather could actually be her son. I'm not sure why the casting department thought that he was the one for this role, but they must have thought the chemistry was smoking between him and his mother figure, J. McCarth.

I can't imagine that Jenny is a writer by trade so there were entire parts of the movie that I sat there simply staring at the screen because it was nothing more then stupidity.....and not the good kind of stupidity, but just when you thought she was going to lose you she reels you back in. Quite honestly, there are certain parts of this moviet that I would love to describe to you in detail, but I just do not think that I can do them justice, but let me just leave you with a few teaser images in your head so that you will run, don't walk, to your local blockbuster and rent this movie:

Jenny, after having taking acid, sitting on a couch convulsing and twitching.

Jenny throwing a temper tantrum, covered in vomit and exposing her breasts which are less real then my imaginary friend Jerome, outside of her ex-boyfriend's fashion show.

A naked man with a bass fish stuck up his ass...on purpose.

Jenny hurling herself at a bus...yes hurling herslef at a bus, and being very pleased with herself for accomplishing it.

I, don't walk, to Blockbuster. Are you still sitting there reading? GO!


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