Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Saturday, February 18, 2006

If the Names Tyler Christopher and Natalia Livingston Mean Anything to You, Then We Are Officially in Love

There are many words to describe Brian Hewson: cute, funny, sarcastic, neurotic, nervous, slightly obsessive, at times bloated from the immense amount of sodium he likes to eat, but in case you didn't notice one of the words that is not on that list is trendy. I am under no delusions. I am cool in the sense that I like who I am and I like who my friends are and I can go with the flow of things and get myself in there with all sorts of people. I am not cool in the sense that I am hip and trendy. I would never be mistaken for a hipster or a Los Angeles socialite, but this evening I made one of my few sojourns to a place that is pseudo-trendy: Koi in West Hollywood.

Koi is a sushi restaurant that celebrities apparently like to frequent. Kristyn, Elle, and I wanted to get sushi. I would never in my life dream of suggesting going to Koi.....I usually don't even attempt anywhere that is even pseudo trend-o-rama unless it is on the suggestion of one of my many friends who are far hipper then I. This is not a bad thing, but rather a simple statement of fact. I revel in my dorkiness and complete and utter lack of hipness. I suppose to a degree it is kind of hip to not be. I think the style that I am going to attempt to emulate is dork chic. Can you see it? Regardless, Kristyn had been to Koi, and suggested it. We didn't think that we were going to be able to get into the restaurant, but apparently they do take walk-ins, and luckily it was within walking distance of my apartment. We gave it a try, got there, and succeeded. We didn't get a table persay, but we were sitting in the lounge area on plush couches, and there was a table for us to use so it was really just as good as actually getting one of the dining room tables. Even better perhaps.

I really intended to have this be a drink free evening, but we got there, and thoughts of vodka tonics started swirling in my head. There was a wine vs. vodka debate, but ultimately I wanted the vodka tonic. Drinks were ordered, food was ordered, and then I noticed someone who looked vaguley familair standing at the bar. He was quite a good looking man, but I knew I had seen that profile somewhere before. Tyler Christopher aka Nikolas Cassadine of General Hospital fame. That's right. Nikolas Cassadine was standing in Koi with a very pretty young women. Now, I knew that Tyler had been dating Natalia Livingston aka Emily Quartermaine Cassadine his on again off again paramour on General Hospital. But they had broken apart, so I did not let myself get my hopes up that Nikolas and Emily were at Koi at the same time as me. But then the girl turned her head...and guess was Natalia Livingston, and they were looking very cozy together. Giddiness flooded my body.

I am not one to get star struck. I am constantly seeing celebrities, and it always excites me but I don't really have the urge to go up to them and say anything, for the most part. I notice them. I point them out to whomever I am with, and that is the end of it. Not with my soap stars. Seeing a soap star is like someone else seeing Brad Pitt or Britney Spears. I freak out. Add to that these are stars of my soap, General Hospital, and there was no containing my delight. I was torn, however, because I didn't want to interrupt their evening, and yet how could I let the chance to tell them how much I loved General Hospital.

Kristyn and Elle of course made me realize that I would be kicking myself all the way back to the east coast, if I didn't go and say something to them. I did the sit down/stand up thing a couple of times, and then I got up and went straight into the bathroom. I needed to look as if there was something else going on for no other reason then to calm my own insanity that they would think that I was a crazy person, which frankly wouldn't be too far off the mark. I exited the bathroom, and made a beeline over to them, politely interrupted their conversation and told them both how much I enjoyed their performances and that General Hospital was at the top of my list as far as television is concerened. They were both extremely gracious and pleasant and thanked me, and they didn't seem to be at all bothered by my intrusion into their conversation which was nice of them. Tyler spoke first, and for a moment it was off putting to hear the voice that I associate with Nikolas Cassadine speaking to me.

I made my intereaction with them very brief. I could have rambled on forever and ever, but I wanted to leave them with a very pleasant encounter. Secretly, I wanted them to talk about me for a moment after I left them and say wasn't that sweet for him to come over and tell us how much he enjoyed the show. I doubt that they even gave me a second thought, but a boy can dream.

I sat back down, briimming with excitement, and of course that is the moment the waitress decided to come over and ask me if I wanted another drink. High off of my brief soray into the world of soap stardom, I said yes knowing that it was probably going to be a ten dollar drink. I didn't care for much longer because the next thing I knew I was looking at the reception area to see Michal Saucedo, who used to play Juan on General Hospital many years ago, and do we know who he is married to....Rebecca Herbst aka Elizabeth Webber Spencer, one of my all time favorite General Hospital characters. She was there...they were meeting Natalia and Tyler. I couldn't believe that I was seeing GH stars at every turn, and a part of me wanted nothing more then to go to Rebecca Herbst and tell her how much I adored her character. I have a special affection for the character of Elizabeth because her first airdate happened to be the first episode that I watched as a viewer. The storyline in which she got raped, was one of the most heartbreaking that I have watched on GH, and she did a phenomenal job with some very tough material. Of course, I couldn't go over and say any of this to her because she was sitting at a table with two people I had already interrupted. It is one thing to say something to the two of them when they are standing at the bar waiting to be seated, but it is a completely different thing to go over to the four of them as they were enjoying a dinner with friends. I didn't want to disturb them so my encounter with Rebecca was thwarted. It was nice to see her though, and I admit I tried to engage in an accidental bump into as she was exiting the bathroom, but the logistics were not there.

I am thrilled to death that I was able to see some of my GH favorites before I left LA. I have seen celebrities here, and I have seen other soap actors both in LA and NY, but I had yet to see any of my GHers...and tonight I got to talk to Emily and Nikolas and see Elizabeth and Juan. Secretly, I loved the fact that the Tyler, Natalia, and Rebecca were having dinner together.....Nikolas, Emily, and Elizabeht togeher! YAY!

In case you didn't realize it, I am a soap opera fanatic. Soaps are my thing. As much as I love my primetime television, if I had to pick between my soaps or my nighttime shows...I would have to go with my soaps all the way. Shocking....a gay man who loves soap operas. Who would have seen that one comnig?


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