Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, February 13, 2006

Was it a dream?

Thursday night I went out with my friend Erin from high school who was visiting me here in LA as my time in California rapidly and thankfully draws to a close, Elle and later on in the evening her boyfriend Robert, and for a portion of the evening Kristyn and her very cute South African friend Chad.

The going out part, however, is not what I want to tell you about because as fun as it was that was not the surreal part of the evening. I was drunk. Wow, that's a statement that I don't use infrequently. Erin, Elle, Robert, and I were walking back to my apartment. I believe that we stopped in the 7-11. I didn't realize that 7-11 was a West Coast thing until I came to the West Coast. Previous to here I had only seen 7-11's around where I grew up, and I think that I have seen a random one in the city. Regardless, we went there and I think that there may have been something very funny that happened there, but at the moment it eludes me so I will return to telling you about the surreal part of the evening.

Robert, Elle, Erin, and I were standing in the kitchen eating the pasta that we had made for dinner and then proceeded to leave out for four or five hours effectively making it disgusting, but I was drunk and more then willing to eat it anyway, Elle and Erin didn't seem to have any interest in it, and I have no idea what Robert's excuse was but he was chowing down. I don't think he has the drunk card to play so that just must mean he likes old pasta that has been sitting out. I guess everyone has different taste buds. As I stood there shoveling, and when i say shoveling I mean that in every sense of the word-I don't even know why I was bothering to chew it, the pasta in my mouth I heard the meow of a cat outside. Now I know that the next door neighbors have a dog, but I had never seen a cat anywhere in the vicinity. Then I heard it again. No one else seemed to hear it so it just started to look like I was so drunk that I was hallucinating, but lo and behold when I opened the door there was a cat sitting outside of our door, and once I opened the door he pounced his way right in and started to get the lay of the land.

In my drunken state someone probably could have convinced me to keep the cat, but of course that was not a viable option. He did have a collare with a phone number on it so I decided to get down on all fours and attempt to call the number. The fact that the cat would not sit still and the vast amounts of drinks that I had made it rather difficult for me to see the numbers straight. It took a couple of tries before I actually was able to input the phone number into my cell phone, but I managed to do it and get someone's answering machine. I started to leave a message, but a man picked up and very nonchalantly told me that Sox was very friendly and that he just went out for a walk and he would be down to fetch him in a minute. I took this to mean that he lived upstairs from me or something, but I know who all of my neighbors are, and after a few moments I realize that the man had not even asked where it is that I lived. I'm not sure how he expected to find the cat.

In the midst of all of this commotion we thought it would be a good idea to leave the front door wide open, and Sox took that opportunity to go out and continue to explore the Villa Alfredo. He went up the stairs to Danny's apartment, and I followed to find Danny and two women standing in front of his apartment smoking. Danny asked what the fuck I was doing in that way that I know he was being funny but anyone else might have been very taken aback by. It does come off as rather abrasive. I explained the cat situation and he proceeded to tell me how much he hated cats. I then stood between him and Sox to protect the cat from any sort of drunken rage that Danny might fly into. Danny then asked me to do a bump with him for old times sake. I'm not sure in what old times we were doing bumps together, but I declined and he just kept repeating for old times sake. Frankly, it just makes no sense because you say that when you want someone to do something with you that you always did together but weren't going to be doing again for a while or hadn't done in a while, and Danny and I hadn't ever taken bumps together. The old times sake was just inapprorpriate in that instance. Not one to be deterred, Danny then switched to getting me to do a shot for old times sake. Now using old times sake with a shot is appropriate because we have done shots together. I said no no no and then I just gave in and said yes, and that is when I hear Elle calling me to tell me that the owner of Sox was there.

I picked up Sox and headed down the stairs. Sox had been calm as can be in my arms, but when I got down the stairs and started to walk toward the door he began to squirm, and then he lept out of arms once I reached Elle who was standing with Sox's owner who was dressed in a very long, very pink night shirt and no shoes. I was being blinded by the sheer hot pinkness of this shirt that this middle aged man was wearing. I have no idea where he came from or how in the world he figured out that it was our apartment complex that Sox had wandered into. Was this a place that Sox wandered into often? How did I not notice, and how did no one notice that there was a cat who was sneaking into the gate with them? Lots of mysteries surronding this cat, but instead of waiting to find out the answers to these I ran back upstairs to take my shot. As if I needed to take a damn shot, and yet I was all about it.

Somehow, Erin and Elle found their way upstairs to Danny's apartments and were very frightened by him and the two women that were there. The three of them were clearly cracked out, and Elle and Erin seemed to think that I had been lured into the apartment for nefarious purposes. I took my shot and went back downstairs with them, and explained that Danny was very nice but loved his drugs. They were not deterred. The fear and creepiness remained in their eyes, and I had been them I probably would have thought the same thing. Danny is a little creepy....let's be honest here.

There was something very surreal about everything that happened after we got home, and I have weird dreams. If I didn't know that it were reality I might have thought it was a dream that I had. And now I wonder...where is Sox?


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