Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Arthur and Robert

As a gay man myself, I understand the concept of meeting a really fun and cool girl, and developing a non-sexual crush on her. I've done it many times myself, but there are limits to the depth of this devotion because whether it is sexual or not when you like someone too much too fast it can be a little bit off putting.

This brings me to Arthur and Robert, two thirty-something gay men that Kristyn, Elle, and I met when we were at O Bar. They were nice enough guys, and they clearly had money but had I met them on my own I probably would have forgotten about them to be perfectly honest. They didn't really stick out in my mind, but the two of them fell in love with Kristyn. I think that it was love at first sight. Numbers were exchanged and we proceeded to leave O Bar, and they proceeded to call Kristyn three or four times over the course of that evening. Why were they calling her? I'm not exactly sure but I think it was for no other reason then to tell her how wonderful she is. Don't get me wrong, Kristyn is wonderful, but it was a bit odd that these two could not stop calling her to tell her how much they liked her and wanted to hang out with her.

Over the course of the next couple of days they continued to call Kristyn. They could not get enough of her, and it finally culminated in a lunch date at Joey's Cafe on Saturday afternoon, which I attended. Ok...these dudes were calling her and texting her up to the minute that we got there. One of them texted her ten minutes before we got there to say see you in ten minutes. Are you kidding me? This is getting to be a bit out of hand. There are times when I am very excited to see someone and I just cannot wait to hang out with them, but I do not go as far as to text them ten minutes before I am going to see them. It just seems unneccesary to me. Do we need to be in that much contact that we know when we are going to see someone down to the minute. Let's keep a little mystery in life with that two or three minute window of lateness. I don't want to know that you are going to be there at 1:53pm, tell me 1:50pm and just roll with being three minutes late. I can deal.

I was fairly silent during this lunch, oh I had my moments of interjection but for the most part I was in my own world for whatever reason. These two could not get enough of Kristyn. They were hanging on every word that she said, and the lunch seemed to last a long time.

Later in the day after we had parted ways we wound up running into them sitting at Starbucks as we walked to Trader Joe's to get some wine...that's right we were going to have some 4pm wine to get us primed and ready for the evening ahead of us. What were Arthur and Robert doing as they sat at the Starbucks? Discussing the plane tickets that they were going to buy when they came in a month to Kristyn's birthday party. I wish that I had the type of funds to just decide to fly across the country for a girl's birthday party that I had known for four days. Listen, if they have the means to do that then more power to them, but damn. You realize that if someone you were dating started moving this fast you would get freaked out? It just would not be acceptable. You cannot behave this way when you are starting to date someone, but the speeds do tend to be different with friendships. Now that I think about it you can get very close with a friend very fast, and no one sees it as weird, but if some guy were to be booking a flight to my birthday party after knowing me for four days....

Hell to the no. That's all that I'm saying. But if some cute and fun girl were to do the same thing, then I imagine that I would be down with it. It's a thin line between friend and lover....what does that even mean? I'll tell you what it is Brian trying to be clever with his ending, and having nothing says something that makes no sense, but then I call myself out on it. :)


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