Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, May 01, 2006

Pork is officially not for dinner now....

Is the pork industry desperate to bring the pork chop back into the american lexicon and diet? Is the industry so in need of revival that they will allow any lunatic to craft an ad campaign for them? I think that may be the case. I am about to relay to you a commerical that Yas and I saw one day while watching television. No one else has seen this commerical. No one else seems to know what we are talking about. I think that they pulled it from the airs after that one airing because it was that horrible. That's right.

All of this is in claymation or some variation of that medium.

A pork chop and a peach are having a forbidden romance. That's right...a forbidden romance. As it should be, though, because romantic entanglements between meat and fruit just seems wrong. The meat so rough and weeathered by the world, and the fruit so fragile and innocent.

The pork chop scales the wall to the peach's balcony, and swings in to profess his love. The peach is playing the harp or something. At first she is shocked, and dare I say appalled, that the pork chop would have scaled the wall and enter her bedroom uninvited, but quickly passion gets the better of them, and they begin what I can only imagine was supposed to be sex between this pork chop and peach. What does sex between a pork chop and a peach look like? looks like these claymation puppets slamming against one another. That's right....they were literally banging. It was the most bizaree sight I have ever seen......simulated poultry sex. EW!

They don't get to finish, however, because Lord Poultry...that's right the chicken is a lord......storms in and demands that pork get away from peach. I can only imagine that the pork chop was some sort of peasant, and lord chicken did not deem such a commoner worth of such beauty as a peach. The porkchop refuses to be separated from the one that he loves, he grabs the peach, and together they jump into the fire.

Cut to a woman's hands holding out a peach glazed pork. That's right...they died in the fire so that they could wind up in someone's stomach together.

This commercial has disappeared from the airwaves, and I say good riddance. It was bizarre, and I'm not sure how it ever got on the air. Although I must admit that I am sort of glad that it made its way onto the was that ridiculous.


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