Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tony, the adventures continue....

I told you that there was going to be more to this whole Tony story, and here it is. This was practically two weeks ago, but I continue nonetheless. It was now Sunday night, and Erin's last night here. We were going to Basix for dinner, and then out to the Abbey. Literally an hour and a half before we were going to be heading out to dinner, I decided that I would send Tony a text message to tell him what we were up to that night, and see if he wanted to join us. I don't think that some guy sending me a text message with little to no advance warning of when he wanted to hang out would have gotten much of a response from me, and yet not even fifteen minutes later Tony was calling me.

I had sent him a text message so I wouldn't have to talk to him on the telephone, and here he was ruining everything that I had set up, but since I did invite him I answered the phone, and all he seemed to be able to do was laugh. I mean he was laughing for no reason. I explained what I was up to that evening, and told him that he was more then welcome to join us. He took far too long to think about it. He was muttering and stammering, and I was just sitting there on the telephone wishing that he had thought about all of this before he had called me because the text message had had plenty of information. It wasn't a short text message, and yet he had to sit on the phone with me, and make me wait while he mulled it over in his head. All mulling should be done in private. I'm just saying. He finally decided that he would come and meet us for drinks after we had had dinner.

Erin seemed to think that his rapid response meant that he was interested in me, and I must admit that it seemed that way to me as well. If you want to play it cool, you don't immediately return a text message with a phone call. You wait a little while, and then you send a text back or something. I have to say that there is a part of me that truly loathes the games that you have to play while dating, and yet there is a certain degree of comfort in them that you don't recognize until someone decides that they aren't going to stay within the rules of the game. As much as I loathe and despise the games that we are forced to play when we first start dating someone, I follow them to a tee. I analyze when it is I should call them, what I should say, every detail is gone over and over in my head and I hate every minute of it. Yet, when someone decides that they aren't going to engage in that I think that it is weird. Do the two sides of my brain talk to one another or do they just act indepedently in order to drive me crazy.

Erin and I went to dinner, and then met up with Kristyn and went to the Abbey. This was at 9pm. When we got to the Abbey I called Tony, and he started doing the yammering and muttering thing again. What I wanted to tell him was to do whatever he wanted to do. At this point, I was growing weary of his indecision. He was the one that decided to call me so if he didn't really want to go out he should have just sent me a text telling me that he was tired or something like that. But he didn't. Instead he made me play these games with him on the phone, and finally he decided that he in fact did want to come out. I was getting to a point in which I couldn't have cared less, but now he was on his way so I couldn't even leave anymore. We went inside and got drinks and chatted. Do you know what time he showed up at the damn bar? 10:30pm. That's right. He showed up an hour and a half after I called him. Apparently, he doesn't live very close, and he had been napping so he needed to get ready to go out. Who naps at 9pm? I mean if you are going to be a sleep at 9pm you might as well just go to bed. You'll probably wake up early in the morning, but it's not exactly what I would call prime napping time.

Fine. I bought him a drink, because that is how I roll, and we all chatted. I was my usual charming, fliratious self, and it did seem as if he was flirting back with me. He wanted to go next door after the girls left so that we could dance, which turned out to be only a few minutes after he had said that to me because they were both pretty tired and wanted to go back to watch Deserate Housewives.

They left, and Tony and I went next door to Here. We were actually having a really nice conversation while we were there, and Tony was saying nice things to me like a lot of people had come up to talk to him the night that we met, but he didn't really see anything in any of them, but he did see something in me. I was actually beginning to think that Tony was a good guy. He seemed that way from the previous evening, but you can never tell. People love to put on fronts. I was being swayed to camp Tony, but I admit I had trouble reading him. He was very closed off, so it wasn't always easy to tell what he was thinking. But the signals that he was giving me were ones of definite interest, and God knows I had made myself very clear over the two times that we had met...kissing him, inviting him out, buying him a drink. I wasn't throwing myself at him, but who the hell wants someone that is going to throw themselves at you. Who wants to throw themselves at someone? I certainly don't. It's not the way that I want to be.

Basically, things were going really well. Of course I knew that this was not really something that would go anywhere because I am heading back to New York, but it was a fun distraction for the moment. A cute boy is always a fun distraction. Apparently, Tony agreed with me because we had been standing down by the dance floor when this, what can only be described as a child because he could not have been much older then nineteen walks past us. The fool was wearing work out shorts, some sort of basketball jersey, and a towel wrappped around his head. A full on bath towel. I really don't know what the motivation for wearing the bath towel was, and I had very little desire to get to know him. Unfortunately, he noticed that Tony was looking at him and I was gawking. Tony didn't seem to see the ridiculousness in his outfit, while I could see nothing but. He came over and gave one of those head jerks in which your head goes up and your chin protrudes out as a means of recognition. He then planted himself between me and Tony, with his back to me, and started to engage him in conversation. Are you kidding me? Is this actually happening? Apparently it was, because the next thing I knew they were getting ready to go and dance.

I wasn't really having any of it, and so what I was going to do was leave. I should have just left and saved myself some aggrevation, but when I said I was going to leaave Tony grabbed me by the arm, and made me go onto the dancefloor with him. We like to be wanted, and the fact that he wanted me to stay made me a little less angry for a moment, because the moment that we got out onto the dance floor he was dancing with the guy with the beach towel wrapped around his head. I later learned that the reason he had that wrapped around his head was because he had gone to the beach earlier that day. Maybe a better place to put it would have been in the car. He looked like a damn fool. If I wasn't so busy wishing he would disappear, I would have asked what the motivation for that was.

I was so angry that my mouth was getting dry. I realized that Tony and I barely knew each other, and I am not even going to be here that much longer so he can go out with a different guy every day of the week for all I care, what I do care about is feeling like a fool. If you came here with me, and were having a good time with me, then you should know better then to push me aside for some moronic nineteen year old. Finally, the nineteen year old went to the bathroom, and I basically told Tony that he had hurt my feelings and that he can do whatever he wants, but since he did come out with me I thought it was kind of rude for him to be dancing up on this child. All that Tony could say was that he didn't do anything wrong, and that I had been talking to other guys too. Really? You mean the guy that I knew from the gym that i was talking too while I was waiting for you outside of the bathroom. Is that the other guys that I was talking too? I was not having that comparison, and I told him that. Once again, I was going to leave, but he wanted me to stay so I did, and the two of them just fricking continued dancing once the nineteen year old got back. I was about ready to put up with that for five minutes, and finally I asked Tony to just walk me out. If he wanted to stay here with that kid, then he was more then welcome too, but he was going to get a peace of my mind.

I took him outside, and tried to explain to him what was going through my head, but apparently he isn't all that bright. He just kept telling me that he didn't do anything wrong, and then the fool told me that he didn't think that I liked him like that. Really? That is just a damn lie. It was an excuse to be rude, and I wasn't having it. But I could tell Tony why the situation sucked until I turned blue in the face, and he just wasn't going to be on the same page as me. I expected nothing from him, but when he was out with me I expected him to be out with me, and not macking on teenagers who are barely legal when he is 28 years old. He didn't seem to get that, but wanted me to stay while he said goodbye to his child. Twenty minutes later, he comes out with the child, and we happen to all be walking in the same direction.

We walk for about a block, and apparently Tony and nineteen year old are parked on teh same street but in opposite directions. The nineteen year old then has to gaul to ask me if I want him to give me a ride home. I was text messaging someone at the moment, and I simply said no without looking up at him. This kid knew exactly what he had been doing so I wasn't interested in making small talk with him. Tony then insisteed that he drive me home because it was so cold out, and I didn't have a jacket. Uhm.....I'm from NYC. I can handle walking home in fifty degree weather, but I relented because there is always that part of me that wants to see if he had seen the error of his ways and realized that I am the far better pick.

He didn't because as he was saying goodbye to the nineteen year old, the kid said..."I will see you in a little bit.....I mean, I will talk to you soon." Wow. He should be a spy, because that was the best damn save in the world. If they thought that I didn't know what was going on then they were both biggere idiots then I thought that they were.

Tony drove me hom, basically in silence because I had nothing to say to him. We got to my house and re-hased what had been said. He being unable to comprehend what I was saying, thinking that I wanted him to be my boyfriend or something. HA! Far from it! Especially after the lovely evening that he showed me. I got out of the car, he starts to pull away, and then pulls the car back into the driveway to ask me for a cigarette. Truth be told, I only had the one left that I had been smoking, but even if I had had more I probably wouldn't have given him one at that point. I told him that I had no more left, and he had the nerve to demand I show him my pack because he thought that I was lying. WHAT!?!?!?!? That was just icing on the cake. He hugged me goodbye, and told me to call him.

Do you think that I have called him? Of course not. Even I have my limits.

Another whacked out boy to add to the list....


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