Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, May 15, 2006

I Heart Izzie....

And George....

And Dr. Miranda Bailey...

And Addision Shepard.....

That's right. I have an addiction to Grey's Anatomy. It just may be one of the best television shows ever to grace the airwaves, and I dare anyone to argue with me on that one. It is just riveting to watch, and last night's episode was no exception.

First of I just want to say that I cannot blame Izzie for wanting to do everything in her power to save Denny. I am in love with him. Although I don't want her to lose her medical career over it. When she started lying to make sure that Denny got the available heart I knew that Izzie was going down a very dangerous road. She was clearly unhinged, and rather then simply telling her what she needed to do I really really wish that Meredith and Cristina had followed Izzie or tipped off George. Leaving Izzie to her own devices only brought her to the moment of deciding she needed to stop Denny's heart to ensure that he got the available one.

Izzie is my favorite character on this show, and I hate to watch the characters that I grow to love do stupid things, but I almost understood why she was doing what she was doing, when she begged Denny to not give up....her tears were flowing, and in a moment of desperation she let her true feelings out...she was in love with Denny. He didn't say it back, but he took Izzie in his arms, his own tears coming at this point, and agreed to let her do whatever was neccesary to get him that heart.....risking his life and her medical career. So he didn't say I love you.....but when he took her in his arms, and agreed to do the one thing that he really did not want to do then you knew the love was there. I am so rooting for Izzie and George to get together eventually, but not yet. I want more Denny.

When the character of Callie was first introduced I really liked her, but that likeability has slowly dwindled away when she refuses to give Izzie and Meredith the benefit of any doubt. I mean Callie snapped at Meredith for asking her a question about her dog. Yes, Callie, you are working on people there. But did you not say moments before that you had to wait for test results...there was no harm in Meredith asking you your opinion about a dog. Calm down! I'm glad that George didn't blindly back her, and yet explained to her that Meredith, Izzie, and Cristina were his family and that she needed to accept that, and couldn't hold them to the same standards that he did. She had to earn that place in their family. It may have sounded mean, but it was true. Callie cannot interact with these people the same way that George does.......and then Callie redeemed herself by showing Meredith x-rays of a human with the same bone condition as her dog. The news was bad, but Callie did the right thing. She is getting back into the good graces......and then as she sat with George rambling on and on she professed her love to him...only to be interrupted by a frantic plea from Izzie for help from George.

I love that Izzie turned to George in her time of need......for now I love the fact that they are best friends, but at some point I do want them to open their eyes and realize that they are in love, but I think that may be sometime coming since Izzie is now not only risking her own career to save Denny, but now George's as well by bringing him in on it. By the look on his face he knew that this was no kind of good situation, but Izzie was basically out of her mind. She had a crazed look in her eye, and George just sort of watched the situation unfold.....he probably should have been more forceful in stopping Izzie from doing this, but now they are both in a lot of trouble. Not as much as Denny, however, because as Izzie is ready to stop Denny's heart with the thought that Dr. Burke will be there any moment to check on Denny, Dr. Burke is getting shot.....that's right....he is lying on the ground of the helipad shot. Not good for Denny...or Dr.Burke....or for Cristina for that matter becaus things were not left in a good place between the two of them. Why Dr. Burke puts up with Cristina's bull I am not sure, but he loves her and the two of them continue to do the little dance that they do. I bet this is going to make Cristina open her eyes, and realize the fantastic boyfriend that she has.

Other things did happen in this episode, but the last thing that I am going to discuss is the Meredith-Derek-Addison-McVet(I can't remember his name at the moment) situation. Derek is basically being an ass calling Meredith names and ignoring Addision all because Meredith and McVet are now dating. Now Addision thought that Meredith and Derek were sleeping together again, but it was the realization that Derek was so in up arms because Meredith was dating someone else that made everything click for Addision. Meredith is the one that Derek wants, and he is with Addision out of some sort of sense of obligation. Well stop being the god dam martyr Derek. I love Addision. Sometimes I like her better then Meredith. Yes, Addision did something that was very very bad, but you know what at some point you need to either let it go or let Addision go. She should not be punished for the rest of his life, and the fact that Addison's actions illicit no kind of response from Derek, but Meredith moving on makes Derek a rageing crazy man says something, and thank God that Addison saw that.

Bring back Eric Dane for Addison, have her give Derek the boot, and let Meredith stay with the vet. Derek deserves it for the way that he was behaving. Perhaps Addison screaming at Derek that he was still in love with Meredith in front of everyone including Meredith was not the smartest move that she could have made, I say brava to was time that Derek was told off.

I cannot wait for tonight's two hour season finale. It is going to be a NAIL BITER!


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